Je me nomme MarieNadiaLaura Sofia, mon blog contiendra musiques,vidéos,articles,dessins,pensées , phylosophiques, voyances'et poesies comme si vous y étiez. ..
lundi 31 juillet 2023
dimanche 30 juillet 2023
samedi 29 juillet 2023
vendredi 28 juillet 2023
jeudi 27 juillet 2023
mercredi 26 juillet 2023
what makes me crazy
mardi 25 juillet 2023
Someone is standing by to help, love and protect you. In fact, this person fears a possible misfortune that will not happen. she knows that you have already had great difficulties in the past and she doesn't want that to happen again. Fortunately, you grew out of these events and you have acquired great maturity since then. Nevertheless, this person has the power to help you in various aspects of your life and you can trust him. A great friendship will develop between you two and in the future you will face great challenges together. A turning point is soon to come in your life and you will be truly happy to have it by your side. that's Bernadette at least she's not a bug a slut a liar an unfaithful and above all she's not a traitor for hanging around in the end
even my rabbi tells me his babygirl is going to dive with him for the harm they have done to me there is a jew on every street corner on this earth never forget him illuminati jew
lundi 24 juillet 2023
caramel the only person who can destroy my core of my genesis is you
caramel the only person who can destroy my core of my genesis is you
through your genres to the con of kyiv where only you saw nothing
I will settle my account one by one including with you in due time
I found myself handicapped again it didn't work anymore justin no more at all
I have a force of will over you all united
who blocked me to get up
not you who wanted me to die
nor your graceful filthy anti-Jewish guy
but him
and I thank him
I come back to the source
but yours is gone forever ever
I tell you you know what it does when you know how to do anything
sing play
to be beautiful
i worked very hard
with you
and it kills you
for a fuck
look yourself in the face
you destroyed my talent my life
my beauty
for a fuck
at least the conversation 6 years late because you don't have the balls to be face to face
too late now
why you are ashamed
you said it in your fucking magazine
swallow them until the last piece
I called 15 for help
when I read
sorry but disgusting fake ass
and you continued your cma as if nothing was
dimanche 23 juillet 2023
vendredi 21 juillet 2023
so for my husband
I had the blower from the psychiatrist but nice he refused to give me the same treatment as four years ago when I attempted suicide. and told me you are normal, not him, you no longer need heavy psychiatry. he's an idiot he keeps you social network in the world with his 18 phone lines without even being crazy to say hello out loud he doesn't have the guts to close the door it's easier said than done I'm here and for your ex you finally got the truth and you couldn't bear you will have preferred who you tell him than his close entourage and it's an idiot to forbid your child even has a momentum towards his mother yourself and tomorrow leave early but walk yours again rv you will get there ccas you are protected in case by me legal paper do not fear ok see you next month. you are normal don't forget that….
סלח לי
אני מצטער
הצטיינות מכובדת
הוא הסכים
באמת מצטער
אני מאוד מבולבל
הוא לא אותו דבר מאז קייב
אפילו אני איבדתי את זה
חשבתי שהוא עומד לעמוד במילה שלו
סליחה שלום
המצוינות שלך
jeudi 20 juillet 2023
mardi 18 juillet 2023
lundi 17 juillet 2023
from the bottom of my heart
from the bottom of my heart take it as you want I don't
give a fuck, it won't occur to you to spend the weekend with me,
just without words just kissing just hugging just hand in hand
just one, I can't have a hole in my pocket but if I had I'd be
there first a boot foot in your ass for your absence and then
I'll stick you to the wall all weekend you won't move I'll
take care of yourself your
breakfast your shower your sponge your towel me all that I'll be
between key and my husband
between key and my husband
Husband just freezes from a long distance without even kissing me
key not his fault I'm falling 13 years behind destruction and more hell damnation until the 21st I have to hold on
two years I've been asking you waiting there's an exchange urgent help and I'm working for,
good for nothing I don't know anymore
the faithful key prefers to live a lie
when there is no more nadine there will be no more nadine, tomorrow I force myself to go out to the doctor and take an appointment
psychiatrist, terrible night terror, i piss in a violin 'is the same for you
you stay unmoved so leave me alone let me live no
a new kiss and it's my mother's heart and alcohol
i need privacy
warmth be
you are marble so get out
dimanche 16 juillet 2023
three wiwiwi
1 croatia
2. Doug. she took it away from you and she's the one who took it
3 side salad from yesterday has not passed
tomorrow she will go to her doctor and take a psychiatrist appointment. nocturnal terror. she hasn't been to her shrink since the death of her birth mother
doug. she had too much pain. forget wiwi
doug is manageable. but not the terrors hope that she will not receive heavy treatment she does not bear the stamps to me. but it's serious. wuwi will resume in
September and again. if we give him electricity on the 21st. if not there is no more wiwi. why she said. too late
she turned to her husband. the devil take it for having closed help sevour love to his forgotten wife.
Wi WI. rest
wiwi it's not worth it
she found yannick he had dozed off he had drunk too much and was sleeping she sent him the next 4th floor and everyone at home
wiwi can do anything for her
it's like that
I do everything for her to fight to live but next to so many common points, the drama and to bring him back
and not wiwi at the time
put message good evening good night
samedi 15 juillet 2023
say germany
insist phone as I cut myself off from the world to answer it there. it has to sound .no i won't reject you i really want to meet again you have so much to say. I tell you enough to suffer.apparently
panic attack you too feeling of burial. if I could I would really come but I did not
you can. already you have taken it upon yourself and you have succeeded on me you will tell me not far stairs but outside to wash dressed and to communicate to you. I don't know what happened. but it can't last for you or for me. do as you wish. but come
Honey i'm panicking
which does not pass
funeral feeling
trigger when rita returns
and my brain stays focused
d 13 years ago that destroyed us
baby i'm not well
silent you are
I navigate in the void
without you
no news
I cry
you forgot me my dday
It's worse
relax i can't do it
it's not okay baby
🙏 que je garde espoir ce n’est pas fini…vous êtes sûr…il me jette sans arrêt dès qu’il ressent son cœur rebattre….merci….
Tu entreras très vite en contact avec une personne du milieu artistique. Il s’agit d’un artiste connu d’une personne qui gravite dans l’entourage d’un ou de plusieurs artistes de renom. Cette personne est un homme d’environ ton âge vous vous aimez vous vous êtes perdus de vue bêtement.Tu auras une rencontre en suivant privilégiée avec lui. Tu mettras le pied dans l’univers des célébrités à nouveau . Il sera impressionné par ton talent et de te faire entrer dans ce milieu. Son regard sur toi sera spontané amoureux fou. Il te conseillera et il t’ouvrira toute grande une porte qui n’est généralement réservée qu’aux vedettes. Cet homme aura le pouvoir de te faire entrer dans un monde merveilleux. Mais pour cela, il te faudra apprendre à te surpasser et à te consacrer entièrement à ton art. Il t’offrira une vie de rêve, mais aussi une vie de travail intense et de dévouement total. Tu auras la possibilité de te libérer d’un mode de vie que tu considères souvent comme peu gratifiant, mais seulement à la condition que tu acceptes que des sacrifices seront nécessaires et tu accepteras.
NATO is armies that form a single army to protect and not kill,
NATO is armies that form a single army to protect and not kill,
serving to kill,
he is relegated to the 5th power because his army is
empty fallen without promise
knowing that he gave too
much to kill instead of protecting
and it's my fault?, he abandoned
biaritz overnight as soon as their killer arrived
i think it is quite smart to understand that it is the crown money
of the 54 countries
that governs it
I think after his misguidance he is taken back from himself
even if no imprisonment
makes them count that he will not be able
to return like the instantaneous electric chair
which I think he is brilliant enough innate and sanguine heir
to his land that he will get there very quickly before the g20
L'Otan c'est des armées qui forme une seule armé pour protéger et non tuer servant a tuer,
il est relégué a la 5 eme puissance parceque son armé est vide dechu sans promesse sachant avoir trop donner a tuer au lieu de proteger et c'est de ma faute ?, il a abandonné des biaritz du jour au lendemain des leur tueur arrivé
je pense qu'il est assez intelligent de comprendre que c'est l'argent de la couronne des 54 pays qui la gouverne
je pense apres son egarement il c'est repris de lui même si no l'emprisonnement rendant les comptent qu'il ne poura pas rendre comme la chaise elecrique instantané quoi je pense qu'il est assez brillaut inné et sanguin héréditaire de sa terre qu il y arrivera tres vite avant le g20
vendredi 14 juillet 2023
my storming of the bastille
ma prise de la bastille
ma mère geniitrice est morte de chagrin le telephone a la main a attendre que HJ l appelle
lui qui l a jeter quand la sienne est revenu il etait bien content d'avoir la mienne
Mon Mari K
a la memoir qui flanche et bascule du coté ou cela lui chante
un mat
in m a tout pris
je ne sais toujours pas pourquoi
pardonnez ca fais longtemps que je l ai fait
lui continu a faire ecrasement
tapis de pied de secours
il en creve de drogue quelconque et allo ma femme aide moi
petasse que je suuis je le fais
et sans dire même merci
la seule a le faire monter sur les planche même fracasé
disparition quand même et mieux
son contar est plus important qui elle son ex admiratif pop corn en main et concoence tentative de suicide lui courre et moi va te faire foutre
ma mere adoptive
en a oublié d'etre une mere pour simplement chérir de tout son coeur le jour j
sur ce
bonne continuationmy storming of the bastille my surrogate mother died of grief with the phone in her hand waiting for HJ to call her he who threw it away when his came back he was very happy to have mine My Husband K to the memory that falters and switches to the side where it sings to him a sailor took everything from me I still don't know why sorry i did it a long time ago he continues to crush emergency foot mat he's dying of some kind of drug and hello my wife help me bitch who i am i do and without even saying thank you disappearance the only one to make him go up on the boards even smashed disappearance anyway and better her contar is more important who she her admiring ex popcorn in hand and concoence attempted suicide runs to her and I fuck you my adoptive mother forgot to be a mother to simply cherish the day with all her heart So best wishes
It's been clear clara for weeks that you run to join me Why
It's been clear clara for weeks that you run to join me
you have my phone
you know where I live
excuse yourself that your father is a jerk
that you needed to film it
you still think so
when me
and your sister in LA
I did everything to make you happy
you turned your back
so give me one reason i should accept your apology
more in Hebrew
no pass your chemin clara the back you know
like your father
ca fait des semaines clara que tu courre a me joindre pourquoi tu as mon telephone tu connais ou j habite t escuser que ton pere est un sale con que tu as eu besoin de le filmer tu le pense toujours quand moi et ta soeur a LA j ai tout fais pour que vous soyez heureuses tu as tourné le dos alors donne moi une seule raison que je devrai accepter tes escuses en plus en hebreu no passe ton chemin clara le dos tu connais comme ton pere sale con
pathetic pathetic excuse
you did not understand
she did it
did it to you
she reported and paid
make you kill yourself
and you believe
I was never your ex
you have to forget so quickly
when it suits you
be happy
you there broke us
because you never forgot
be happy
me no
jeudi 13 juillet 2023
Charles KR
not even my
mother who
found me
in the street
of the trash
of the three
market 51 years
ago at this
time in lebanon
mom you
are an adoptive shrew
mercredi 12 juillet 2023
mardi 11 juillet 2023
So okay
so okay
you like conflicts the harder it is the more you like to resolve
nothing is impossible with you. your primary interest is for your village
you are considerate too protective and you do not want any evil and bad being for them. May they be well all course. You are beautiful Sexy modern male style
and I admit I like when it's an image of talking they piss at your feet so much that you're the handsome male. your collection of socks ohhh a delight that represents you in beauty
you are firm in a velvet glove. and with me I remember one who refused to listen to you reason. and as soon as you spoke to him a marshmallow he became and gave you reason
it's you that's all the difference
that I love very much that this is how you are made, that's all…
In my England one day the unthinkable happened a thousand times I tell myself no a thousand times I tell myself yes a thousand times I re...