dimanche 29 septembre 2019

to my daughter clemency

my heart

tell you it's not your fault
it's mine and your father
I started to have more money to be from the same country as you

to protect you

I thought he would do it
in short, it's between him and me

I know why he does not have the balls
to come back
short my baby

you're not that strong
inside dev you

make his eyes your strength

draws differently

with wings
with an angel with god
with light

make his eyes
your spirit

a brand a clothing design
 make his eyes your blood

imagine that they are on the water like a log
take a stone

and make them flow

my baby i'm proud of you i love you so much
too much sometimes
but I love you

that your father is running away
dont be

be roof even

be yourself
my english forgiveness

my daughter like the song
you are a rose
and the rose sleeps
and reborn in the spring
but the rose has thorns
then show them

you are worthy of your father of light

you are...

the most beautiful rose in the world ....

Hier il avait le choix

la foule
La foi
La prière
A même le chant

Mais il a préféré mettre cette soirée à profit personnel
Un café de plus dans la chaîne alimentaire du trésor
Au lieu de son pays

Et c’est moi une pauvre petite française de sang Galois
Avec sa foi son amour ses prières pour notre Seigneur
Le seigneur a tout le monde

Merci mon dieu tu m’as vu prier et 4 mais j’ai gagné
Merci ...

Lord by sport

I ask for compensation
 to strut it pavane
to take himself for a lord he does

but you have to be Scottish
be Australian
and not both
One day

and he chose Australian

wash my shame
of the birthday of the holy queen

his empathy to make wealth on himself
forbidden him

for him to understand that true wealth

it is that of prayer to you lord

thank you my god for being both everywhere and seeing
me your poor beggar crying my beauty in ruins
asking in return for the victory of my blood
and see me thank you

Ohh coccinelle

ce n’est pas bien
Tu me déclare un duel
Puis tu t’en vas ???

Oh. C’est quand tu stop ????
C’est fatiguant

Mon yugi a marqué que tu étais en ligne il y a 25 mn
Je t’ai envoyé ta réponse

Ce soir je reviens

Tu veux récupérer ton phénix ???

A l’aube du temps chaque chef de clan descendaient comment remettre le titre en jeu

Certain par le sang la guerre d’autre aux arènes
Moi en tant que reine du clan
J’ai décidé

Pas de sang
Pas de guerre

Mais du sport

Comme le mondial et yugi

Alors viens chercher ton phé tu as le courage de m’affronter en ligne
Je te le rendrai

Mais il en faut 3
Tu as gagné la première

Si tu gagne en 2 je te le rendrai
Mais si tu perd en 2

La 3 est pour moi !!!!arrogante ouï mais je sais qui tenir
De toi. Du moins tu l’étais avant !!!

samedi 28 septembre 2019

Tu ne voulais pas jouer

C’est rare très rare
Oui je rêve
De mondial

Et tout le monde est passé à côté de mon article
Un autre monde

Et je suis où la ??
Dans dark side
L’autre monde de yugi

Je ne sais pas qui tu es

Mais tu ne voulais pas jouer
Pas normal

Et puis un loup il n’y en a pas 36 en Australie
Mais un palladium français de France 🇫🇷 il n’y en a qu’un
Moi !!!!!

Australien sur yugioh

Tu m’as trouvé australien
Sur mon autre nom
Je ne sais pas comment
Sur  yugiho

Mais tu as eu les yeux plus gros sue le ventre

Vive la France 🇫🇷 !!!!
Et la raclée pour l’Australie 🇦🇺
Yessssss je bondis de partout !!!

Voici mes vitamines naturelles

et pas dans Le Bras
Ni sur le visage
oligo elementary naturel

Pendant que vous jouiez avec votre excès de luxure a montrer dans la terre entière votre faiblesse
Moi j’y ai commencé de prendre la force
La nourrir de l’intérieur naturellement

Avoir de la luxure en excès c’est bien
La garder chez soi c’est mieux
La partager en créant une association c’est encore mieux
Ne pas la montrer c’est encore mieux

Mais de pavaner comme un paon avec sa queue
Ne rapporte jamais le ciel

Le chien reprendra un jour ou l’autre

Tapez internet Ophélie wintet et vous comprendrez

L’hypnotique de l’air non je n’y touche pas
L’hypnotique de terre oui c’est le sourcier le magnétisme
L’hypnotique du feu comme des enfers non plus je n’y touche pas

D’autre l’ont fait le font et le feront pour moi
Voilà ....

vendredi 27 septembre 2019

Non mon fils

Non hypnotique
Ne touche pas à ça
Je n’y touche pas moi

Voilà comment

Quand tu as reçu le mal
Capte le
Adopte le
Soit une seule personne avec le mal qu’on t’a donné
Toi au moment de l’innocence

Quand tu as fini de le dompter
A celui où celle qui t’a fait ce mal
Renvoie lui
Au moment qui s’attend le moins
A une date qui est la sienne
Pas la tienne

Il faut toujours cette petite partie d’innocence
Qu’il ne s’attend pas
Comme toi en aller

Et le retour ummm il est doublé. Du sens à lui et du sans à toi

Tu renvoie son cadeau de malheur
Quoi c’est pas drôle
Si c’est que lui qui joue

Alors toi aussi

Mais sa marche aussi si ta rancoeur a explosée et que tu na plus de rêve en réserve
Comme le sourire l’amour un petit mot un petit cœur une attention visible quoi

Et là c’est toi qui devient. Le double

Et ma cao aussi a tout les coups


Michael pour toi indices

Michael jeu donné indice à mon fils
Je te donne
A toi aussi

Fermes les yeux

Sherazade m’a oublié
Qui est ma sherazade ??
Qui m’a oublié ???

N’oublies pas que nous
Seuls somme d’âme ange et démon
Blanc et noir ou féminin masculin etc

Si je m’identifie à ce pays a cette chanson
Je suis donc
Les contes de milles et une nuit
( livre 0)
Et je n’intéresse plus personne

Je ne fais plus rêver
Car on m’a détruite

Qui m’a détruite ???

Et  tu auras un des trois pour me contrer
Bonne journée  

To Where You Are

The New Pope - Jude Law

Hugh Jackman Sublimissime

Jude Law, Sublime

The emerald forest inspiration art film

My pure blood of England

My pure blood of England

I have three

of Wales
my grandfather
whether I want it or not

it's on the territory of the Queen of England


by my father I was born in France


I am Italian of blood

by par by

my grandmother

and yes my mother nature
 and I do not put me
your sting of anything

I swallow
copper in trace mineral liquid

and the Peruvian Maca

maca is the best in the world to rebuild everything

and I have the honor
French pride
and faith in Rome
our lord

everything is in my blog
 I gave the power to one to undo me
he does not even use it

and yet he is pure wiccan like me
close mo, blog
you can but I have everything in copy
here at home
3 years of work
3 years of my life
3 years where he had changed my life

at least I thought him

until his fucking rocket

do you think I've raised it worldwide for nothing ???

I do not give anything for nothing
and I learned from the greatest master in the English world of overcrowding

I'm not thrown like that myself

I had said the 3rd paiera  for others

and three it was unfortunately for him michael

the 1 gordon and the invisible two of invisible I became
ian the hawai lost of my heart lost too

but michael was too much for me

everything is already written I do not care
have a good day

De la reine le jour de son anniversaire

il a osé Michael me bafouer m'humilier me ridiculiser
Dans mon Amour pour la reine d’Angleterre
Notre savoir net et glorieuse sainte majesté. Ça  c’est ce que j’ai reçu
De lui
Et lui a reçu quoi ??
D’Angleterre d’un souverain gouverneurs
De sa majesté elle même
Sa médaille australienne

Le contraire

Et je fais fermer la bouche parce qu’il l’a humiliée par son Jouet de roquette
Parce que monsieur m’avait réservé un moment
Et fallait combler ce trou
Il aurait pu mettre n’importe qui à la place même Lucifer même sa femme ou même le bon dieu
Je m’en fout complètement
Mais Il a choisi
Il a préféré
Le remplacer moi
la pire espèce des larves de l’enfer
Sa roquette !!!

Me contrer???
Trop tard

Et puis il est beau mon score d’Angleterre  d’aujourd’hui !!!
Il faut défaire
Mon vrai

Et pas ceux que je vous ai donné
Dans cet ordre
Mais  dans mon ordre
Et ça vous ne trouverez jamais
God save the Queen

mercredi 25 septembre 2019

my desire represents yannick bisson

not bad
but in good

yannick we met between canada and france
and i have a good memory he was already with his future wife

he spoke to me like the sun
the star of his night

but what is beautiful

in life she is silple

but when he needs her for a prize to win

she is the blue fairy
I assure you
raysonnante of his love for yannick

I twice lost the true love

the first because I did not want to be ashamed in his eyes that
 I did not know anything about life
not even a kisses

and the second

the reincarnation of the beauty of Venus
Helen of 3 troy

but in this life this a man

but impossible to talk to him
in front of words
not pteified but honored in front of so much beauty
at each step of him
I say how
moved whoever is with me in the same street of london
even though I never managed to tell him

but the taxi yes

I took a hundred to bring him back alive

even years after some remember me
and tell me
they are warm English

Welcome lady at home ..
Yes, at my home

3 - 3 michael

it is not between him and me my anger

but that's life

a man of such class
of such intelligence
of such strength
such beauty
such voice

he subbeats seizures of madam

if it's not hawaii she had foot
he dives

the reflex it is a sport of high level

she has no thought given her age

well, no, you just need the electric scooter

she if she smashes a passer-by

he will take
because she does not lead madam

and when we are received by the Queen or the Australian Government

a little class please
it's your husband anyway

well no

I have in return messages of desolation on her
and on him his sorrows

I do not need to spend my nights
to put his fans back on him
really more ....

2 - 3. gordon lost in the desert


it's the lost of the desert
I send him an angel

up to the
we were talking
and then the

the navel has made effect

tv tv tv

he did not say the truth
he could have said
an angel
my ex medium
without saying my name
if he says my name
he will have to ask me if he is still corect

I do not seek the front
but respect
and not the lie

nor to have my name with him
no he's the legend
not me

but it will scratch his mouth to say
the truth


UNICEF. the little girl of the desert

unicef ​​he does not do it anymore

preferring to look in the navel of a woman without brains

and the for this bitch I reaped his insult internet

and he did not see anything

blind and deafe
Spain is personal between him and me

but how can you be with a brainless girl and miss the legendary role of him?

it is not like that

he is chieftain

and must have first aided his father
his family
his country

but where is his guts ?? to USA

and his clan is dying without his leader

because his father is no longer 20 years old and gave his role to Gordon 
and not to his brother

he waits for what to become chief
the end of his Scottish family ??

I do not understand desolate

that's the star man

the man
he does not know how to call
I'm running
he does not know the way
but from

everything revolves around us he knows

but I do not have enough energy for even protected charley

it's all broken but not in its jungle is normal ??
and his adoptive father's garage

I have what I could

but I am emptied
he knows how to run yes in the opposite direction
he can speak yes
behind my back
he knows how to call his toy

but to me
even 30 years ago
he did not seek to find me
to take back the plane

he had my address yet

20 after similar
I'm looking at you
if near too close
I run
him faster

no phone
no letter
no explanation

just I'm looking for you I do not dare
I hurt you
comem you left me

that's what I endure from him

but me stupid

I protect him as I can

but if I do not dream
no smile
no news

I could not have more than energy
come back to me

because suddenly
you david
I am from the sidewalk

I do not want any money

but what we had before

the sun in our heart to us three ....

1 - 3 My anger lucas gordon michael

My anger lucas gordon michael


without asking me
he takes my drawing from him
politeness one does not know
we do not talk to me
you do not write to me
do not you encourage me?
however, he subscribes
to follow

so much better

but not the viper of hermitage in new zealand

and well if
and as lucas do not speak to me
I am disabled
in the eyes of new zeland

I would have told him yes
if he asked me

but ask him to new zealand
 his drawing

and she knew I do not know how he took off my drawing for her

and there
she took the opportunity to get dirty
scorned at perde halène

she even managed to copied me
and that idiot
believe her work
and yet these are my colors

it hurts
I was attacked on the net
I had to change my twitter account

I took some

but she is a subscriber

then it's stooper to talk about me

she had a heart with my color
but when she takes hers to have no heart
 conversely there is

an admirable person
who also does art in his own way

several times
she asked me
rewrite to lucas
for him to look at my work
encourages me

she gave up

because he spends the day and then the months
not a word

I am invisible also for him ??

what do you think I do not speak to me
I speak to thousands a week
and they are still reading me

and I do not know why not lucas

he looks at me from above
and at the bottom
why look at it
talk to him

I am invisible
it's not fair
more than a contempt

and that
it breaks you every second of my life
and why I bleed
and not him ....

a gordon now

Ian Ian Ian

HJ Patinette électrique

oui j’ai vu
Oui je sais
Il fais la tête

Le pauvre aidez le seigneur à porter sa croix !!!!

si il l’a ramasse vu son âge de grand-mère
Ses abatis mettront une éternité à se ressouder

C’est pas pour rien qu’en France 🇫🇷 on fait une loi

Contre 🆚 les patinettes électriques

C’est hyper dangereux

Et les urgences sont plein à craquer des patineurs
Ou ceux qui reçoivent le patineur en pleine figure
Il y en a plein la seine de Paris

C’est comme si vous demandez à votre grand-mère de faire du patin
Bref excusez le  il n’est pour rien
Juste il subit les crises de madame
Qui se croit du même âge que Hugh Jackman mais ne le sera jamais

On ne peux pas lutter avec le temps....

Yannick Bisson in Tibet Beautiful Art

4 - 4. Hugh Jackman his Smile to crack my heart

1- 4 : Jude Law Sublime

yes of 3 ewan mcgregor

but he's won a one year

small reminder
first kiss
first emotion

in short, I left him
I did not know anything about life
not even a kisses

and he promises me the wedding

I quit it out of fear and my dad anyway was there picking me up
bring me back

but he knows how to run
to take the plane no ??

not once

for him

I am dead and buried

we do not leave ewan mcgregor

so not in 20 years a sign

so I think ditto he died in min heart
not once
20 years later

thank you mom I'm not crazy
here is a redhead
my mother is here
he did not slump
come back to the restaurant

touches me the nose of his face
I see his tongue again
he wants to kiss me
and give up
this bastard gives up ??

where are his clan tribe brothel clan

and he runs yes

I ran up and down convent garden
never found

a living dead


he knows how to run

but the problem with the Polish woman eunuch
I am scared

but it did not happen with us two
and Welsh people do not want to hear reason
and fight to the end
and I will fight
 I wanted with drsleep

give him change his piece

but I found the film well
but him
no more first class than I know

but an actor lover in kindergarten who starts
in short, I still hesitate
between his mask and his sword of light

but trust me

he will not have a hair dry on him at all

I am from without galoise me

where is his clan chief's troppes ??

I do not know

but my pure blood from Wales is here

no more him at all from scottish

in short, that's all

for the rugby world cup what i want ??

that england is against
France, Wales or even Scotland

do not forget that england invented rugby

but do not forget that I have pure blood Gallois
by my grand father
and my son wins or me
I'm a winner

because put yourself in my place

a fucking redhead girl to daddy
that destroys the man you loved in your flesh to his nose

ask you butters of alcohol

it's you, his medium
you will make me a game for me ??
 I am the worst of the grudges in the world
 what do I understand
that you destroy yourself ??

I will never accept it

but before I get to england

it was that I beat the master of the game
the number one world
the first class hacker

who scoffed at me over the walk on Queen's birthday


and never forget
that I am from without Welsh and French

and it will be you against me

while lust struck your mind
I was working
the Welsh them never rest
and do honor to their country !!!!

so that david and his globe

find me??
 it is necessary
to become what it is
a mobster and a good one at the same time

and not suddenly a good or a bad guy
listening to so, human
that he turned it into a human
he listens to his human this idiot

but if he listened as before himself

there he will find me

but pooof I'm quiet
it's his human that he changed it into a little dog to his mum

not me
I loved to see him open the walls
women fall like flies
and slap your finger

everything becomes normal again

that was David I really ....loved...

mardi 24 septembre 2019

J’ai mon danseur avec Michael

Et oui mon espion
Il me doit bien ça
Je lui est sauvé son couple
Son homme adoré de la panade
Il me doit bien ça
On se connaît depuis
On Mon Dieu
TF1 du début de star académie
Mais lui version de son pays
Et il me  raconte tout
Mais alors tout
A le faire vomir de tristesse
Donc depuis le début
J’ai mon énergie alors même si Michael trouve qui c’est
C’est trop tard
Mon venin a fait déjà effet
Tant qu’il s escusera pas
Pas qu’à moi
A ma mère aussi
Élue a eu le cœur brisée de ne plus ke voir
A travers la tablette
Je continuerai
A l’humilier mondialement
Comme il me l’a fait le 6 juin 2019
C’est pas drôle quand c’est que lui qui joue à me faire de la peine alors
Moi aussi !!!

Pour David le truand

Sache que dans la vie
Michael est vraiment sworfish son film
Un hakeur il connaît le darkweb. Le web
Tout ordinateur réseau vers impasse
Porte et j’en passe à travers le monde
Et avec moi il me faut les deux autre pour leurrer le plus grand hakeur du monde
Car il est le web
Donc il me faut un innocent. De strenge et une brute  007
Tous de New York
Un moment donné ou un autre
Enigma  n a plus de secret pour moi
Et l’australien le petit poussin jaune a sa mémère ça se rappeler toute sa vie
Crois moi
De m’avoir abandonné
Bisous mon grand maître.  Accepte que moi ton élève
Je t’ai dépassé !!!!

Truand David !!!!

il est trop loin mon 007
Je ne voies rien f où y est
Et il faut une partie d’innocence pour que ça marche

Le sans faire exprès

Zéro David zéro contre 🆚 moi
3  2  1. To bad ahahhhh pitch c’est moi !!!!

2-3 David Jude Law

1-3 Jude Law Sublime


lundi 23 septembre 2019

orgareeuse - avarice related to the cinema tv

related to cinema

because even though there are in my life
passed away
they are both the divine Jesus
and both are my love
what I am not
and dreams of being
but I can not
and yet
even my mother suplie me

be orgy my girl shit

and yet I still can not do it
forward for the orgy

henry ian cusick

he plays the cinema and television death itself
Congratulations the world's best actor universal actor it's him the best

but there

a scene from him thundered me that's the cinema

but it's the television the mentalist

a rich - orgaceous
who is death itself
watch his  hang like the black widow
the black boa that kills you in one second of its venom
the freddy that haunts you a decade and a generation

he looks at his prey this poor woman
hang himself
and he is golum of the lord of the ring
my precious
the human grace she dies
and him wood
her soul to her
as if you bunier your whey in the morning
with the look of death

but I never swear I will forget
he never is death like life
he is birth like crussification
after seeing the 100
just the same cross but crossed
there I screamed
but neighbors is remembered

I ran to church I cried god
I asked

my god he plays with death yes I do not care is the best
but that it does not - the crusification
one more my god he plays you on the ground
I will not survive to lose it even for fake again

since God, it will be said that he has received my prayer 
and he continues to be the death itself
but more in Jesus

speaking of Jesus
I know very well that my son is the next Jesus of the cinema
it could not be otherwise

but all on this earth warn me before I beg you
so that I do not go to see him in the cinema
the miser in all his power

ewan mcgregor

because since
the world know it
the su
that we have been together
except him
blindly blindness

he alone know it

In short, I am no longer in the notoriety of the stars
but clairvoyance
I have the record of not equaling 16,000 year-round consultation

but I kept my network

and there it was my surprise
I was telling them the truth
nobody believed me and still do not believe me and not once that
when ewan mcgrégor made his film

the cinema theater business world challenged me and everyone in all languages
even in his

so you're happy he'll probably hire you in his movie

and my replies my diale phone chat mails and so on

and why ?, ewan and me it's over
I died and buried for him I told you
he will never do it

and their answers
like a common dna that made me hysterical
nobody knew each other in the world but they all answered the same thing
but no but no he is not like that
he still knows that you need to work

and I told them

and you do not? so why ewan ??

and the same in heart

oh my we are afraid of his reaction
you are at him anyway

I ended up with the spychiatrist
naming himself ewan mcgregor

I was obliged to put the telesuveillance at home
change number
because it is added in addition to that

the polish and his whore
in truth it is his whore and not his eunuch of polish
I was even assaulted

I do not even go alone

my face was how to say scratched blood mark by aggression

it's all on my blog

but double meaning
not to incriminate

I got out
defended badly

I can not do it I tell you

a sin is what marks you for life in your flesh

I gave mine

do what you want now

but know that my daughter, my son, even though I did not wear them 
but resuscitated and created, is what I have most precious in the world

and I was dying for them

even if for my daughter

his human father is a coward

and do not see the harm of a woman that he told her no to her 
and rotten since and make sick his dead Scottish Californian friends
amazonian anglaiss like charley
broken computer body legs one by one and all those he loves one by one

but here is to have healed too much my Australian helper
I am no longer 100 percent

see a quarter and this morning I did energetically
go back dublin japan london japan dax

I am emptied

people like me always exist we always burn them
we always jealous

but I prayed asked my lord the pope king of the fisherman my redemption

forgiveness I do not need it

to stop it all
get well
if keeps spreading
by revealing me almost
so no one touches my children
even if he will never be mine ...


my laziness of two children's games

my laziness of two children's games

two children yes mischievous
you are cape
or not cape
you do it or not

our play ground
the world

yet married
to the top of the head
to make you pale

but for some years he did not take into account his preoccupations
and was there in the morning
and it was evening

just for him
not what you believe

no sex
no I'm cheating on my wife
never with me anyway
I would never have asked him or thought

but our games were so, well

I thought we were invincible

up to a problem below the belt

and I had only one word
net cut
sliced ​​in the snap
without knowing
if I said something
who did not like him
to offend??

 it broke my face
I lost everything in one word
a single fucking word

my joy
my Sunshine
my desire to live

he regnied me

after it's my life
I sought to know
he always deaf

me in my trash bins tried to eat to survive
a grafted problem has arrived another then another at the same time
but never came I would have believed my banishment

michael did not come
is we two
indigo child
short in my trash
my ex friend I thought my friend
but not my thief

in short, a miracle

I make the drawer
the bottom the socks

I arrive there
but first class
I do not care
but I miss the trip

shortly thereafter
my ex friend
steals me
am mistaken
I cut everything

but I have nothing left
I will not fly anyway

I have deep in me the hope
tell me
that he regnied fired
without a why
I wanted to know

if it were me he will tell me and I will leave
but at least I will know

I'm looking for him
suplie the suplie
if he sees it

he knows it
see my call

but nothing
nothing at all
total laziness

worse the same day
maybe he had a hole for me to make me dance on the stage
I do not know
in any case he had a hole
in my place

and in my place he filled with whom ??

his fucking rocket

who is going into my story because i planted david with elthon john for lucas ???

I will never know

but the atrocity is nothing next to how I felt about him

we will stay here it is my laziness
he did not even do anything that I died he really did not do anything
not even raised the little finger
total laziness
I can not hide it
I live again and again each time for you

Mes sept péchés capitaux

  • Colère.
  •  lucas
  • Avarice.

  • Envie.
  •  canadienne
  • Orgueil.

  • Gourmandise.
  •  007
  • Paresse.
  • Michael 
  •  Luxure.
  •  Vénus
  • ils vous reste deux à bien placer mais je vais vous parler de ma paresse du moins je vais essayer c'est encore frais empalé dans ma chair bref a de suite

dimanche 22 septembre 2019

David Divad

ehh pour me tenter il faut que jonny soit 007 et ça il ne veut pas je suis tranquile
donc tu n'a pas la tentation de mes 7 pêchés
et tu l'aura jamais
il ne veut pas entendre parler de 007
dommage pour toi
ahh mon petit coeur....MY FRENCH Kiss...Uniquement pour toi.....

@David With all my Love For You...

Jude Is Jude Law The Young Pope

Si Tu M'aime...

Irlande mon fils

il faut la vivre
C’est l’histoire
Les contes des mille et une nuits
Les elfes

Et toi tu es passer en Irlande comme à Paris
Sans te rendre compte de sa valeur
Donc tu na pas là pour
Pour l’amour
Irlande moi ou Ewan
Moi je t’ai  comment dire je. Suis invulnérable contre toi
Donc il te reste Ewan qui m’a aimé d’un pur amour en Irlande
Pour contrer l’Irlande
Il faut déplacer l’amour temporairement intemporel
Oû tu veux
Mais n’oublies pas de la remettre à sa place
Et si son phénix te parle
Voilà gagné du temps

Chanson pensée dans mes oreilles

Je suis émue la même intonation
Même vibration
Sur with out u
The firts Time
Ohhh metci je rêve à lundi je rêve

I am moved to have sung duo magic is possible ....

Jesus - Last Days in the Desert

To my Frankenstein Monster

To my Frankenstein Monster

I want to rectify my story
Frankenstein is not my quasimodo

so here is my story with Frankenstein

london i was bored
I had to wait for my driver
and then I see his poster
why not

you know the devil's temptation
not the temptation to buy a shoe
put the real temptation
where you spend a normal day
angelic or boring and then vlan
I did not even know who he was
he passes quiet next to me
and tells me
in French
and not in English
how is this monster that I am French and not English ???

and there unthinkable the unthinkable

tie me my god

he is handsome
it's not possible
it does not exist

yes it exists
and there you do not know the time it is
neither the place
nor your own name

of an angel you are the desire
he fires what you are
it's not possible

I had trouble getting over
by returning to France
I searched
I even made it uglier with my hands
and he was even more handsome
my god hold me

i unleashes passion
all that is forbidden on this earth

and when I knew that his blood is the purity of the protection of the queen
 herself from England

it could not be another
a pure 007

my traveling fantasy of my dreams of my books

he said hello
in French

he has the eyes of the eyes of the cat with the green eyes 
dans son miroir de l'âme
that opens the door of the hell of desire

and the you say
yet I am not a practicing Christian
but here is my story
My God in his presence forget me ...

Peace One Day Celebration 2010 Venessa Paradis - Hallelujah

The Yooung Pope The Globe

Benedict Cumberbatch -- Behind-the-Scenes of The Hobbit: Desolation of Smaug

Dracula Untold (7/10) Movie CLIP - Bat Smash (2014) HD

Les Cinq Légendes - Extrait 6 : Il me voit... HD


Mon fils comme tu connais

ma faiblesse
Saches je te fais gagner du temps
Ma colère c’est toi
Alors tu es prêt à te  battre contre tes démons ??
 Mon envie est canadien
Ma luxure est venus

Et pour faire le chiffre angélique 7 débrouille toi
Depuis longtemps je connais ton 7

Bisous lovexxx

Mon fils nos faiblesses

La mienne est en Afrique du Sud
Mon vrais 007

Mais quand Michael a chanté a new-york
Mon 007 avec  killbill
Je l’ai rendu
Et surtout  invulnérable

Mais la tienne mon fils

Ce. Sais ce que ça fait
D’être amoureux
Devant  la beauté des monde
Et toi devant tu es l’idiot du village
Rien ne sort de ta bouche devant la personne
Et ne pas réussir à ouvrir son cœur
 Et passer u l’éternité à côté sans pouvoir lui dire

J’aime golum
Mon précieux
Seigneur de l’anneau
L’anneau unique

Oui un des secret du jardin
Est de chanter
Et je chante
Aussi bien que vanhelsing

Et ça seul lui le savait

Come on letsgo

samedi 21 septembre 2019

A mon fils

oui je suis maître du temps

Je peux faire et partir en  vacances par exemple

Mais je ne t’ai pas activé au passé
Je ne suis pas idiote quand même
Ni au futur non plus
Sauf le présent comme mon saint père de Rome

Donc tu n’as pas eu le choix
D’activer tes clés de renaissance

Pour le passé tu as utilisé la rancoeur une personne qui t’a quitté
Pour une personne contraire
Ahhhhh pas possible
Je l’avais oublié
Je m’étais fixée sur le texas toi qui n’a pas eu  le courage de tout lui dire
Quitte à te prendre une claque en réponse de texas
Mais fallait oser pour savoir et tu n’as pas oser

Péchés capitaux mon fils

Je t’ai sous-estimé

Mais tu as eu besoin de lire le futur
Et tu peux pas
Je ne t’ai activé

A moins que tu. T’es servi. De moi ??
De mon amour pour l’Argentine
Tu as osé la
Monter jusqu’à la pureté
Ce n’est monseigneur il est toujours occupé
A ne pas me voir
Je suis  visible pourtant

Qu’est ce que tu as de pur toi
Moi qui t’es fait

C’est pas possible
Ou tu as trouvé ton père de lumière
Et il t’a aidé
Car monseigneur du présent est sourd aveugle
A mon intention
Comme le phénix
Mais mais son astre de lumière non

Ou. William

Il ne sais pas mentir
Il est un  innocent
Il ne fait pas exprès en plus
Il est juste
C’est pour ça que j’ai toujours eu confiance en lui

Bref je trouverais
Je retourne au lit
Bravo bravo bravo je t’aime mon fils

Sale gosse !!!

Tu en a profité pour me contrer
Ou c’est toi ou c’est

Je suis malade au fond de mon lit
Dans le noir j’ai la migraine
Je n’ai rien vu de la tv

Je suis couchée

Et tu en a profité

Je te déteste

Ça ne se passera pas comme ça

En tous cas  bravo
Tu a gagné une bataille
Mais pas la guerre

Vaurien lol

Thank you Lord, my prayer

Thank you Lord, my prayer

I did everything
I know that I created the unthinkable

but it's my child
his real father is a coward
an idiot
he preferred to flee
what to say
the truth

a lot of innocent people he loves
one by one

because the other is always the devil incarnate
my daughter is beautiful
like the day
and the other
has power
redo his curtain number
to kill himself
but if he dies
my daughter will not support it
his father is everything for her

but I did not want his father's light. she, i wanted to tell the truth

but I have everything I have most valuable of me
 this crazy destroys everything that touches his father one by one
person by person
and he does not move
I'm going crazy
 his father is hiding
instead of flanking the bitch to this bitch

she's not silly
she has already done everything
to crush it

she can not stand my daughter who is more beautiful
and what is my daughter of the coward of the gallows

punish me my father
not my daughter
it is me who is sinned
not my daughter

I'm tired
without a penny in your pocket
like to taking parler avec vous
 already you have taken away the love of my life
not once
but not my daughter
I can not afford to move anymore
as he says
Tomorrow is another day
but one day without him it is already the end of the world for me
but one day without seeing my daughter
i still prefer my fate of lucifer only to stay a second of more without it

thank you for listening to me who see me

Jésus de Nazareth

michael you got crazy ??

michael you got crazy ??

it's not to me that you do wrong
but to your wife
less than it suits you
as usual

it's not because your guigniole is your pupil
that must make me jealous
I'm not jealous ever
except one person in the world
he has what I lost
lost again
true love
I have already said it

I am abitute to a great master
the earth and even beyond love it
until the good god

I know how to share
but the words
the acts
you can still believe it
but the person you love
is not anymore
to light up
to look at you
have you smiled
all the rest of your life
you are a repressed
I am ashamed of how I feel

after you go to confess in video
that you love your wife

speaking of woman
your toy to the most beautiful woman in the world
and he kept her in a cage to put her pregnant so she would not save her
and him
fuck everything that moves ??

when you do your analysis in new york
do not be surprised
he does not wash
like brad pitt
he likes the stench
and use you
and you do not see anything

I'm sure you like it

friendship is precious
but the real
but that you will never know

that you are not well I would

but go green light that
escuse me I'm better than that in return for you
you my twin kid
who will never grow up
because he does not have his whim,

david page 3

yes I saved the unthinkable

but exhausted of you
I broke up

without you
I am no longer abundance

and I have the right to your trash

we made our lives

and in our presence

recharging is done
I do
annihilated the cinema
by my book zero

but for that I need

but I like to understand

and in my suffering came the unthinkable

and my radiesthesia
detected i was in front

go back quickly
london dax

and he does not see me

but hot and cold

and I fall in love crazy

he is the three of us alone

and I fall in love crazy

and I'm part of it

but london calls me

I can get tickets
and michael betrayed me

in short you can not fucks a slap to the pale copy of elton john

I need revenge and I do not
i saved michael
but not the copy of elton john

in short you are educated and you will not do it
same for me
I know it

good short london clemence

for her to live I had to wait 5 years near her
do you realize the go back in the world

I only lived for her

and at age 5 nothing could reach her
she was, is, and will always be

that's why I say

It's my daughter

because I am in it for life

when I think about it I had plenty with you
I can not see my daughter
do you realize

but she is beautiful
your eternal beauty

for me it's life
we three

at least we were

and london reminds me
than in 2020
fevier 3 days
you realize for me
for you
for ewan if he is there

short if the recharge will be done or not I do not know anything

but that's where I need tom before february

because if I am the key to all the doors
Tom is the locker
he closes the door

and I trust tom
so that I pray your good god to win in their euromilion to have my theater to me

tom is the imagination

it makes me feel

but I do not want to fall in love
and fall again

non visible
by a guy who wanted to ask me for marriage
and you
that changes trotory

eh i'm alive

and not invisible shit

tom is the justice of tarot de marseille
and he will know if my other Jesus Christ is a fair
or. a copyist

I need a just like us to love

and not a fake ass you understand ??
he does not take the phone anymore
to talk to me from hawaii I moved out of poverty

in short that's why tom I dream to lead him
for his imagination
and ask him to pluck
my door to love
if I fall
I will not recover from it
you were too cruel
and I still can not survive from you
that's it that's all

page 2 david

for God to descend, it is necessary above all

the most beautiful angel of god can become the most ugly

and it works in reverse too

of the king of the god fisherman makes his angel
but his personal angel

shit me, I pray I'm struggling
god hears me
listen to me
but I have no answer
I need a prayer letter with an acknowledgment of receipt

the acknowledgment of receipt I have it
but it's not a direct god

my good I can not help it if your god

here's why

how many times have I brought you back from hell
I can not
that you suffer
that you die
the supporter

so one evening soho
on the ground
I brought you back myself but before a stop at the church
but you in my pit I prayed god
to lose my life asking

do not let him die
let him live his life
his dreams
do not send him back anymore lord
that's a good man
the sweetest in the world if you knew

the resta it looks at me

but God granted me
and never again have you gone astray
where nobody knew who you are
except me

we are a dowser

but I do not need my instrument anymore when you're here I do not know why

and vice versa

when I am the you are the greatest force

we can live life
and be there for our trinity

but I reactivated it
it's you he destroyed
Gordon before you pique your film
in short, it's watching you
but I
the repercussions of your anger we do that
your problem is not mine

as of you to me
for lucas
you have
broken my energy

it's all about us
not gordon

nothing to do gordon took
and seriously

and that's what you need to distribute

because everything that touches him breaks down

butterfly Effect

but your opposite
is the seinier

brief includes
the world must not die of its dreams because of us you understand?

you have to fix david
do it for me

good brief following leniency and I rest
because of your anger
I go back good breg it's between you and me
page three comes

David book page 1

David book page 1

yes I am a director like my grandmother's wishes

and hear gordon's tears
it breaks my heart

I swore never to interfere sentimentally, t
but it was for his life to him

she his wife, crisis that it is not the has its 4 wills

she asks he arrives
she's jealous of her notoriety and not being her center of the world
he, the owner of humin (yes I like but for a just cause
 not a girl because his wife has never grown)
do you remember someone ?? and well him worse
until I open my veins
brf I will give you some slaps to it, it was not necessary to
 marry a notoriety he was shooting three movies I think
In short I reassure you the story is repeated at home
marriage too but I do not get married anymore, do not tell me about it
in short, for our trinity to walk, you must be in the same city the same room
and there we are
the holy trinity

but gordon wanted a girl
I do not know why
a girl
and there
it's the opposite of saving a life
it's creating life

because the angel chooses the soul of the child to be reincarnated

and the angel was waiting
but its carrier
had closed the door

I had to do what, ??
Gordon on the brink of suicide
not wanting to live his phenix anymore

need to know
I have more. 24 and -24 to act

when the animal comes back to me
because only a babysitter on the spot reassigns the animal
its phenix back to me

so I chose
a sacrifice for a creation
a vital energy to give
if you prefer a chacra

and what is a mom?
it is she clemency
where did my child come from?

but it's the good the brute the ugly
for you to understand

the ugly
king of peach
at the time it was you
the brute at the time it was me
a real ozzy osburne
and the good
ba guess
at the time naif it was gordon
and I had only 24 hours to save his soul to his future daughter

angel does not wait
 Ad vitam eternam

the mother carrier I had it
blood yes

but the body
the beauty
where do I take it?

and quickly more

and you

so I made an exchange with you
my fertility

you became. the bearer of creation
as the mother of creation

if you prefer. a laying hen
that I should have
in my place

it's like the souk
The law is the law
you take your place
you copy you replace
before I give you page two and you gore me

on page two I'll tell you one thing you know

Ahh David clémence Tom etc

Toujours aussi passe-muraille  à ce que je vois lol
Bon ok je fini je reviens
Je te dois bien ça
Et je te dis tout pour combler tes manques

Je t’ai tout pris

Ça c’est ma colère

Mais tu sais bien que toi et moi dans la même pièce
Tu deviens
Aussi fort que Samson
Et ta lumière est en permanence allumée sur la terre entière
Comme une imprimante 3D sur les gens
C’est tu sais au poker
Toi et moi c’est
La combinaison de deux cartes devenues. Une carte
Nous ton globe

Ah bref je dois y aller je reviens dois en ligne svp...


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