Je me nomme MarieNadiaLaura Sofia, mon blog contiendra musiques,vidéos,articles,dessins,pensées , phylosophiques, voyances'et poesies comme si vous y étiez. ..
mardi 30 novembre 2021
la princesse de la rose
ne l ecoutes pas ta tordue va faire tes vaccins elle se les coupes elle même pas toi son heure a elle est bientôt terminé elle et l'espagnole on condamnées ton père ne l'oublie jamais
tu n'es pas n'importe qui tu es sa fille la princesse de la rose ne l’oublie jamais no plus
laisse la dans son coin
prends le tien de coin ca va aller princesse..
the princess of the rose
do not listen to your twisted go do your vaccine
s she cut them herself not even you her time it is soon over
she and the spanish one condemned your father never forget
it you are not
just anyone you are her girl the princess of the rose
never forget it
no more leave her in her corner take your
corner it's going to be princess
KeyNad if u love me i wait u answer
you want to make yourself one more tattoo for me or ???
the rose flower around your
navel and the stem sticking out of ... you want please
tu veux bien te faire
un tatourage de plus pour moi ou ??? la fleur de rose
autour de ton nombril et la tige sortant de...tu veux s'il te plais...
et tu ondule de ton épaule apres l'autre et tu jesus marie joseph déhanché
et tu ondule de ton épaule apres l'autre et tu jesus marie joseph déhanché
j'en irise encore et puis ca ne te regarde pas c'est de toi
quand tu extase de joie d’être ta musique c'est si
s i phénoménale tu irise ton étendard pendant une éternité c'est toi...
and your waves from your shoulder after the other
and your waves from your shoulder after the other
and you jesus marie joseph dehanché
I will go again and then it's none of your business
it's yours when you ecstatic with joy to be your music it's
so phenomenal you irritate your standard for an eternity it's you......
You `ve seen
you looked at me well
who are they
nor in your heart
neither in your head
nor in your chest
won't stop you from doing what you want
Of course
where I am
they are completely crazy jealousy of hate what can it do
they are completely crazy jealousy of hate what can it do
I have a gust here under my window you know
what I did on their face the cat litter
no one was not yet suckling their mother than us were
already up there I don't give a damn it's wind pee that's all
lundi 29 novembre 2021
it's hanging up no it's you no going and
it's hanging up no it's you no going and
tomorrow we will be there again and we will not
do anything it's true that sometimes yes but it will
cost a fortune on one side or the other
neither you nor me and
then tweet it's fast direct and it stays
on our heart here's what
we don't need the two of us on the phone
it's days not hours that's for sure
sleep with you on the phone you sleep that you in your shower that you eat your smile no it will be too hard even if I want it as much
as you yes your smile I miss the little click of your mouth
I have it in me but
come on a marshmallow I'm yours ... you're so beautiful ...
you're the only one in my heart forever forever
she called me in total panic
she called me in total panic
not me
there will be a problem she moves urgently and humbly asks me
(that's not her thing, she's how to say very dry and unfriendly
to the normal)
and as I received an SMS
who tells me
they will slow down the energy
I told you
so i ask her
as in France there is spam sms which asks for money brothel account
in short in case I ask him
it may be spam
emme tells me
what's next
and write me an email
not well celine dupuie
and Thursday postponement
to see this
I had to go to town hall
well i will go thursday
in town hall ask for a certificate to prove that I exist it
is to recover (the strong holder) the name in France
portefort it is 1000 euros it is 1000 euros it is what
my mother left me but false to prove that there
is a hereditary certificate
I need my mother's family record book
she never had one that's what I have of
her it's not her family record book
celine ccsa is all honey
I'm staying
you are my baby god miracle
dear it's true
and you are the only one
don't forget don't forget you no more
You are the only one
I know you you don't care how I don't care
but it's not good
so we both don't care so
from everyone
will make you see
we kiss very hard
I draw you
you can go sleep
stay a bit
online little bit with me no i'm selfish sorry
I do not move the baby rest you ....
from the bottom of my heart
love always in you of me in me of you
every nanosecond that for both of us....
Envie de toi
Il n ´y a pas Que ma ma main 🤚 que tu guides sur moi
Ça la tienne est plus grande et plus belle
Mais trouver la même
Ça été dur
De tout mon cœur ♥️
Au plus profond
In my England one day the unthinkable happened a thousand times I tell myself no a thousand times I tell myself yes a thousand times I re...