samedi 24 août 2019

To you my love alone to me

To you my love alone to me

what I never told you

It's time
may be

yes I swore to slap you after Spain
and then no
I am in able
I made mistakes
me too

but from you to me
my divine love
I can not conjure you

because I have you in the skin
in the heart
in the blood

I breathe

it knows it's you

oh that's idiots my words

never mind

but I can tell
go away
you too
but together

the time stops
life is Beautiful

even after 10,000 years

it's like that you came to my eyes
on our bench
full of grease
your first ever

and you come down from her

and ..bisous

ohh I'm lost

what I saw in him ??
you ... he has some good luck
to see you more ue me
even on the phone

I can not go
to tell you
scold you
engeuler you
I will never make it
Why?? tell me??
I tell you

I love you here is the one just like me will recognize

ps: come back when you feel it

I will be there
forever and ever

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