dimanche 31 mai 2020

Gordon tu le prends vraiment pour un idiot ???

Tu crois qu’il est stupide ??
Et qu’il ne sais pas lire ???
C’est toi li idiot

A h. Remercie ceux qui te reste dedans
De m’avoir agrandi

J’avoue je n’ai pas fait attention
J’en ai plus rien à foutre de toi
Tu comprendras pas ??

Eux oui
Ton masque

Un jour tu paiera le mal
Que tu continues
De me faire

Et sache pour de bon
Quoi que tu me fasse de plus
Tu m’atteint moi

Sur lui tu ne fera jamais
Changer d’avis sur lui ....



Drawing fans for me

Etre Capable de ce voir au dela de vos peurs...ou pas !!!!

Être Capable de ce voir au delà  de vos peurs...ou pas !!!

Pourquoi je suis différente ???

Un sonar
Un gps

Sue vous avez perdu

A cause des hommes de peu de foi

Qui exploite depuis la nuit des temps
La guerre
La peur
Les nerfs

En remplacement de

C’est plus facile de croire à un marchand de peur

Que d’utiliser son instinct

Pour regarder la vérité en face

Mon sonar
Une rose 🌹

La belle et la bête
Par saint Georges
Un rugby

Une rose 🌹
Est un rubis

Qu’on aime ou on aime pas

Mais j’aime cette  fleur 🌹
Qui a des épines

Mais qui renaît toujours
Avec l’arrivée du soleil

Rose fleur 🌹 Flower
A toi seule 🌹 ma rose
ton instinct 🌹 t ouvrira

Au delà du temps
Au delà des heures
Au delà des marchands de peur

Que mon amour est une fleur 🌹

Où un jour
En rouge bâton surprise

Sublimé mes lèvres 👄
De sa douceur Angélique d’une 🌹

Et qu’en attendant
Toutes les couleurs du monde
Auront besoin de lui

Mais ma couleur
Seule cette 🌹

C’est la faire briller.....

Parler comme toi

Dieu a créer la terre
En donnant aux hommes tout ce qui existe
Sur terre

Mais à l’origine des mondes anciens
La magie n’effraye pas les hommes

Un moment de magie

C’est comme être en osmose
Il faut trois points pour être une pyramide

On ouvre une pyramide
Elle a trois portes
3 mondes


Mais que deux portes

Une porte s’ouvre
Une autre se referme

Mais il ne peux exister
Que deux portes


Parfois les lois de la meute s’égare
Sans aller plus loin
Mais d’instinct

Le féminin
Son Mâle

Peut importe le moyen

Qui est Sa VÉRITÉ

Si sa porte mâle pensait
Comme un animal
En oubliant juste un instant

D être humain

Il sentirait
Que l’autre porte
Pour lui

Est toujours là
Et ne le quittera jamais

Mais pour ça
Il faut que
Son mâle

Crois en lui
En elle

Peut importe le temps

Dieu réunit toujours ce qui s’aiment

Pense avec foi

Sans ton regard humain

Et tu verra
Que mon aura
Est toujours à tes côtés....

HWDC Dit Ratatouille

Écoute moi bien

Michael est mon jumeau astral
Que tu crois ou que tu crois pas
Je m’en fout

Ça veut dire
Il a mal j’ai mal
Il pleure je pleure
Il vie je vie

Mais il est un amoureux fou de sa femme

Il est aussi mon ami

Oui en uk j’ai voulu le supplier
De rester
Un héros

Peut importe

Et d’oser lui demander de l’aide

La vie a fait que

Il sait que mon cœur comme le sien est amoureux

On a la même âme

Mais pas le même cœur

Pyramide inversée


Mâle ne veut pas dire lui
Féminin veut dire moi

Alors si je suis la pyramide inversée
Qui est ma pyramide ????

Quand tu aura compris ça
Tu me verra en attendant

Avec tes oreilles
Ton instinct

Ton 6 sens
A la Dardevil

Que ma couleur Or

N’a jamais cessé de te quitté.....

samedi 30 mai 2020

3 years that I still believed in you

3 years that I still believed in you

you have me
reduced to madness
to make her mad

she is crazy

let's burn

burn me
if you like

but don't burn the kids

who have nothing to do with his message

who are like me

faith in their hero

the real ones
and we other

anonymous hero

who believe that all human beings are good

it's just a misunderstanding

of a man without panties who must resigned
and disown his medals of honor from his country of england

never open your mouth of biblical false image again

and live his life of lies but in anonymity
the most total

and let him stop talking while cinea again

I beg you

he abandons family friend country to suicide to live his lies

he is not your hero


are carriers of happiness
from the real planet
So now burn me if it sings you that I thought I liked

a monster that he became alone
of his cowardly bad deed
false image

what are your heroes in reality
on the Internet
from England
in the world

who are your benchmarks
your fathers

and for me

dreams of children from all over the world...
merci de m'avoir lu
et d'essayer de me croire
de ce soir
pour tout les enfants
adultes usa qui n'ont rien demander
que de vivre
dans la paix..sur le sol americain et dans le monde..

My letter to the heart

i cry as much as
knowing I'm in it since I alerted him
and of course
to spain
If a hero for you generates your star messiah

so we listen to it
we are children
this is our kenobi messiah

if a hero say
the grown up child
with the message of his hero

and wait
and he was promoted
the child is adult

he put since his time
saved calling to insult


those who are on american territory
of all the colours

their messiah cuts their heads

so we too
in short it is a summary

I'm in too much pain

no one during his three years heard me

I wrote drawing battling night and day

with my heart

because we were the generation before

gone beyond this curse

violence we know we were born into violence

but we don't see evil

we are not plush teddy bears
and we too have the right
to live
to exist
no matter our color

no matter our name

we have a heart

and my heroes saved me from the blows
protection from violence
to get up
to live
to be wanted

as non heroic
who don't have the courage to live

and we created its problem
his suppressed desires

in a biblical existence fictif  that does not exist

Please....Stop the war against all the children of all the colors of the heart

Stop the war against all the children of all the colors of the heart

Ironman has a heart

I call IRONMAN, in the USA The protector of the children's dreams

I call IRONMAN, in the USA 
The protector of the children's dreams

Get up My sublime real heroic Art

vendredi 29 mai 2020

American Pastoral (2016 Movie) Official TV Spot – “Mad World”



an actor
conveys an image
a sound

where the child recognizes himself

if the actor changes course
of courage

to reveal a lie

others who have taken cue from their god
to their messiah

we grow up with the new image of their god
their planet messi
who lies
who pulls
who close their eyes to children of color
who close their eyes at CANNES
driver included
letting her die on the sidewalk

so their messi
will repair

and for information

if i will be at this in the usa
I will be the first to be killed
being French Polish eating American bread ??

Is that what you want??

if my baby his baby the last one
a falling hair arrives

listen to me well to your karma i will link
every child every dead person
this because of your message to the cunt of a messy
quit or fight

but do something

a good actor should not pervert his PUBLIC image

if he falls
in private
and RESIGNING !!!!!!

Where i will
par precaution l'avant gout sur tes actes tu va me resentir


Arrêtons le massacre !!!!!!

Merci Hawaï d’alerter le monde entier

C’est ça les usa ?????
C’est ça le visage du mensonge et de la peur ???
Il y a des enfants merde ils ne demande rien eux
Des adultes innocents parce qu’ils porte la mauvaise couleur ???

Ils ne sont pas coupable d’être le coronavirus
Vous avec votre haine oui !!!!!!
Allô ????arretez de fermez les yeux
Ça peut être votre famille
No comment....

En Irak lui ???

Alors je vais vous répondre

Il oublie que les grandes oreilles ont toute les ruch de son
De sa sois disant croix
Et qu’il peuvent adapter
Sans lui
Et pour pas un rond
Grâce aux ruch
La série

Si il est vraiment dans le désert
A chercher son ego
Dite lui

Que j’ai petite fille qui est sûrement morte
Recousu ou de faim

Ne voulait qu’une tente pour ouvrir son théâtre à 10 ans
A tout juste 10 ans au lieu de sac plastique trouvé en guise de couronne de roi

Mais lui a préféré m’ignorer et gambader avec la sœur de guide-âne
Sur pièce que personne se rappelle où il a joué

Les tentes il en a pleins son garage

Et quand il aura retrouvé la petite fille

Il se demandera pourquoi sa petite fille
A été meurtri

Il était oû
Dans le désert de jambes

Oubliant singuriant se maudissant
Qu’il est une fille dans le corp d’un homme

Et on préfère refouler
La verité

Comme ceux qui torture
La semaine
Et le dimanche demande à Dieu pardon
En croyant que l’absolution est le miracle
D’une seule pièce dans un bénitier

Il est oû le héros dans sa voiture
Perdu dans le désert
Je lui envoie pas une beauté
Car je connais l’animal

Il en profite pour passer à la télévision
En ne prononçant même pas son prénom
Mais de sortir le pan
Croyant son immense immortalité  de mensonge

Elle qui voulait juste en échange du travail
Au lieu de balader son image a tord partout
Et je suis persuadée qu’il ne rappelle plus de son prénom
En elle son héros du jour inconnue

Bref rassurez vous il est entrain de pavaner entre quelle sœur oublient
Qu’il était  un homme bien avant de devenir
Inhumain  d’aider

Alors escusez moi
Ce n’est pas mon problème
Je suis dans le noir
Migraine sur migraine

Je ne peux pas me lever
Trop chaud

Je vous répond

Il n’est pas perdu
Mais sûrement
Avec sa bouche
De se demander

C’est si dur de vivre

Et de préférer d’oublier sa vie
Pour une paire de cuisse qu’il n’aura jamais lui

Par lacheté

Il va réapparaître
Pour mieux pavaner

Mais on est pas idiot
Ni sourd

La violence le mensonge
On vie avec

Mais la lâcheté de briser
Le rêve de juste un enfant anglais
Qui me demande
Je suis anglais donc sans vie
D’après mon héros qui véhicule
Une image fausse de l’Angleterre

Moi j’ai eu le courage
Qu’il rêve à nouveau

Mais d’un autre héros
Un vrais

Qui nous qu’est ce que ça peut vous faire
Qu’on croit à la petite souris
Au lapin blanc
Au père noel
Au hobbit
A l’anneau unique
Aux héros britaniqus

De quel droit empêcher nous de rêver
A eux pour nous réfugiés

Personne vous êtes personne

Lui nous protégera comme il nous protège
La planète

On y crois

Alors merci de m’oublier comme lui
A son sujet oû je faisais partie de sa vie
 Si sa vie est mérdique
Et sans rêves
Alors qu’il n’empêche pas les autres de rêver
Ce n’est pas de ma faute

Et parce que je l’ai aidé ke suis un monstre à évitée ???
Le monstre dors en pensant en regardant le ciel
Ce sont mes rêves ma vie....

T’es pas drôle mon fils

Est ce que j’ai dit quelque chose toi ???

A part

Que mon fils mérite le champagne
C’est le plus beau du monde

Qu’est ce t’en sais sue je n’ai pas vu le héros ???

Tu m’as demandé  ??

Pire je la connais pas
Comme ton père de cœur

C’est qui elle ??

On t’envoie les tableaux pour un sourire
Bon on répond à une connasse
New Zélande

Je suis différent
Mais pas idiote

Je sais ce que veut dire  être dans l’ombre meurtrie

Alors si il n’y avait des enfants comme toi
Qui m’ont rallumé ma lumière

Ça ferai longtemps que j’aurai fait comme
Ineedmore newyork oubliée abandonnée

A cause d’un sale adulte qui préfère un lama
Que sauver une vie

J’espère qu’un jour tu comprendras qui tu es
Un sang réal

Tu le sais je suis une  rancunière
Qui te dis

Que même qui que ce soit
Ou que ce soit
Dans l’indifférence totale

Personne ne te touchera
Personne ne te fera du mal
A part toi

Tu es en vie oui
Mais réfléchis
A qui je parlaisdepuis mes  13 ans

Qui est incroyablement magic

Demande toi
Qui tu es


La lumière de  ma vie
Qui me fait sauter dans le vide
Chaque seconde
Parce que c’est comme ta sœur de cœur

J’ai tout pardonner à son père
Sauf qu’elle a subit exactement
Les meme sévices que moi

Tu veux quoi que je lui pardonne ???

Un enfant est l’avenir de demain

Il ne fallait pas faire un mariage
Mensonge se planter être lâche
Et laissez m fille se faire violer???
En pensant à sucer quelle beginer
Au lieu d’être père comme el me l’a demandé ??

Toi tu es la vie la lumière je ne veux pas
Sue qui que ce soit te face du mal
Tu crois pas je le sais ??

Crois en toi
Oui ok c’est de ma faute
C’est le bateau de merde
Ma peur ses inconnu

Pas du triatlete mais du mormon
Que tu as cru en lui
Moi non
C’est gens là abattent des gens comme nous

Crois le ou pas
Tu es Gabriel
La voix qui guérit

Et croit le ou pas
Tu es mon petit héros
De 7 ans qui regarde le ciel
En me disant
Tu es un soleil

Tu es trop petit
Tu t’en rappelle pas

Mais un enfant est déjà un avenir

Et toi à tout seul tu es l’avenir
La preuve que aimer
Ne signifie pas

Je vais te brûler

J’essaye de dormir
Une chaleur je déteste
J’ai rompu m’a promesse hier
Ça fait mal tu peut le comprendre ??

J’ai besoin de lumière

Mais vous êtes pas là
Même en réseau où j’ai demandé
De chanté svp

Personne pour moi

Alors il me faudra du temps

Mais personne ne vivra ma vie personne

On doit pas faire du mal
Pour rien
Je suis au li
Je déraille
Mais je tenai à te le dir

Allez c’est bon
J’en ai assez....

Voilà comprends ce que tu voudra
Mais sans ta lumière
Je ne serai jamais une personne de bien aujourd’hui.....

my heart is mine will not be able to fly in one day ??5-5stuarttobrookleen

I do not believe

my heart is mine
will not be able to fly
in one day ??

it starts again

his life is fucked up
so I'm gonna screw your life up



so even if he's right i'm old
to still believe in the beauty of flowers
has a dog running away to jump in my arms out there to just smile at me

to my cat who looks at me when I draw it and I always feel beautiful 
in his arms even if it was only once in my life

I will always believe in him

he is a violin
a sword
and you may ask
to be the real knight

I did it

because this multi hero man

is always the same
heroic with his multi color smile

that's why in them I don't believe
but to the heroes of a day

he was and always will be
my heroic love that saved me one evening
showing me that life is good
just through its sweetness

that he is still today

ohlala i'm too emotional

that's it i can't
 open more
 my book of my life

it's too hard when you know that black will do everything 
to destroy you again by accusing you of existing to really love
a hero other than him
that he will no longer be ...

so this island is yours ??

so this island is yours ??

although now it takes 14 days
where she is no longer European

my grandfather my hero is english him !!!!

the first world jesus
is english
the greatest detective
of the world is english

so yes like many others my refuge is strip draw

nowadays suffering continues

the difference we burn
have killed
the boy boy who loves a boy the boy

we lock up in crazy places

a child is looking at a flower
we burn his hope
to love this flower

magic dictation
at internet game vivdeo

a child is always a child

born of misfortune

if a child

superman will come back to eradicate the coronavirus created by the wickedness of men

what are you telling him ??

are you like them ??


I am different

and I believe in heroes of books now video game
Ray donovan

who have courage
to bring our hopes to life
our happiness
our shelters

in the violence created by humans in need of human beings
 if it's black
it can be white

they put me under the inevitable

it was not a love story
he repudiated you in spain
it's black

light knew you
we know it

then it is he who will be possible

what are you saying ??

only one in my life had looked at me as a normal person
without judging me
without asking me
with just his tenderness and his heart

I only had one

I am asked
they beg me
change things we die

so if my heroes exist
so yes i believe in him

and fucking television

he is what you are asked

and black does everything to tell you that white is black

I do not believe

he goes up

3-3 2 - 2 A Stuart to Brooklyn 1-1

But you scream
You yell

it's not my fault if you missed

I have the right to live

no shut up
dressed as a boy

we must not see what is different miraculous

I asked to be born ??

if the large ones are null

it's my fault ??

so before the inevitable

my grandfather


take me away like a silent hero

and until his death

religious jew

tell me who i am

I'm not from here
but what about the bible
have a magical healing power

like your toy in your hand

all red and gold

and i stayed until his death

explaining to me that we can save lives by the theater like him
during the war

and be a hero in his own way

showing me the sky
that everything is possible

to destroy the feared of men who no longer believe
men who don't take responsibility for their fault

but who kills strikes

children souls people

who looks at life as it is

and not as would have wished

easy money
money money

2 - 2 A Stuart to Brooklyn

2 - 2 A Stuart to Brooklyn

I know
to be everything
as well

but to be in love
 what's this ??


you miss your day
you are fired
you drink wrong to forget

and you still have a child

in your misfortunes to no longer believe in life
in God
in your gods
in your religion

you age
you go to the sins
to forget

and you go broke

and you accuse the person
who believes in god
in the human being
in his books
in a flower a brush
a pencil
that we can hold

everything flies
we lock up
we devalue

however we use it
for money
to be more broke
to drink a little more

we are a good child

even the child who reads his comic strip

pick up a broken toy in the face
who happens to be her comic strip on her little girl's lap
 we say for this family that you don't recognize being yours

you are different
you are bright

but we hide
you will burn
the human is and does not understand
to dream
of happiness
of love

but we are love

and we put our hands in place of the comic strip

get away i want to see you

my nightgown
then his friends from the bank

they tell me it will make you won

1-2 A Stuart to Brooklyn

A Stuart to Brooklyn

do you want me to tell you??
but before tell me

you me

home is called a unit

replace him
my friend
my mentor

and there is always you me
and him

and you
Yes you

did you know how to read my life?

and you are not a hero either ??

so yes to you later you will know

up to you
if you are crazy or not
or simply
like me

a lost child

here is my direct letter for you who wants to know so much who I am by you and him..

3 I am a golden child

I am a golden child

capable of miracle
just by my heart

but i am not immortal

a child yes

he has strength

to watch

the peace

their fight

for the planet
the climate
the corovarirus

he sees that the hero’s good
we are in pain
we get up

bateman quote

for a smile
A joy
a child
who tell you

his hero will return

he has all the language this child

his hero is high in the sky

how many children including me

look at the sky

he suffers for life
but the child survives

by the cartoon of my angel
my iroman
who saved me from blows

my superman who made me dream

and the only man I loved one evening

is !! I told him opposite

and him

as sweet as superman


immortal like ironman !!!

so if it's me who created conveyed

the apocalypse in film by wolverine
or by a hero saying that england is lifeless?

new scotland
new england

Where is she


this is what a child understands

heroic england hero

and I believe it !!

even if I’m French by accident

I would always fight for a child who even believes in Australia
what are heroes

is protected by royalty
like prince harry in england now in the usa

I believe it

in Australia
despite the fire
a koala was born

the sky sign

so i did

because my life is called england

and i will always love him

even if i am old but i am still this child
looking at the sky

for ironman

here is my fight

but the sleep I borrow you
I love you with very strong love

but it hurts
I will recover

but a child
has the right to dream
that Superman
be there for him and his planet against the coronavirus

I believe it
like my arm at peaceonday

they had condemned me !!!

the voice that heals

I'm tired
I cry
I gave everything

i love you..where you are ..

2 - you think it did nothing to me ??

you think it did nothing to me ??

even an adult child is a child

he is now growing up with social media

a child tells me

my hero says my country is lifeless ??

a British child has the right to hear this from his hero ??

if he didn't want to be a hero

that there is still lying and pervetion still to lie

it's his life

but not that of a child
I liked it

this is my creation ??

yesterday I did the impossible

for a group of children accompanied by a parent

writing to me

knowing that my drawings also represent a heroic message

they did not wait

and alerted me

if i didn't have it yesterday
I will never have done it

I did it

by love
for a heart
for children

who believe their hero

protect the world
the planette

with its history
his pipe
his books
his violin
his cape
his heart

and they ask me
to restore
the truth??

who i really like ??

and it will change things ??

1- Michael ?? you're awake??

Michael ?? you're awake??

you know who kills ??
a rainbow child


but it exists

Indigo, crystal, gold rainbow

and you have
the voice that heals

we are what we are

a child endures

our bullshit
our perversion
our dowries

but despite our apocalype
conveyed as by magic dictation

the child him
don't want her hero to die

let his hero say his country his hero say that a photo taken on my country is lifeless

and at his place in the usa there are no children ??
we chose to be hero

a child believe him

a hero is also multi-sided

in his life he is a hero too
it is not easy

but we have a heart

I love a hero on a bridge from a time immemorial

and this child was abandoned by his hero

he grew up keeping his childhood soul

he is everywhere his hero is tall

but his heart is always for him and in turn needs to have the healing voice

jeudi 28 mai 2020

-------@HenryCavill Your Jedi Legendary will become -------

Your Jedi Legendary will become.......

That from the depths of your Love
for your Hero.......

May your wishes across planet

Become reality.......

.......@HenryCavill Your Jedi Supreme Hero in reality Asked.......

!!!!Code Jedi!!!!!!!

Oui oui j’ai vu
J’ai lu
J’ai publié

Vous vous rendez compte ce que vous me demandez ???

Oui c’est mon mantra

Merci de me rappeler

L’amour c’est plus beau des remèdes
Et aussi la plus grave des maladies

C’est moi

Ohhh la mon cœur il bat
ahh ca fait mal !!!!!

Il mérite oui

L’autre ??

L’autre ohh jésus Marie Joseph
Aidez moi
Oui ma propre mère approuve

Je lui est demandé!!!!

Merci aussi de me rappeler que je suis dans l’ordre jedi
J’étais adolescente !!!!! C’était à la naissance d’internet
J’étais une ado !!!!vous l'avez gardé !!!!!!

Ohhh bordel
Je vais
Je vais y penser......
Vu vos demandes

Ohhh mon Dieu
Qu’il en soit ainsi....Ohh bordel...vos édits a vous ...votre véritable....Héros.......

Existence - Free Tibet [ New Age, Enigmatic ]

1 - 2 - 3 Mon Art EnToutPemier pour vous

2 -3 Awakening strength My Art For you

1 - 3 Return My Art For You

Jennifer Garner Ma deesse

mon dieu
j'aurai pu
la peste
mais sauvez par le gong

alors a la demande generale

mais non la mienne

la force lui sera rendu

mais si dans sa vie  quil comprend etre un heros
c'est aussi la femme quil a toujours aimé

elle a le droit a revenir
une baume atomique

mais je le fera

j'ai bon coeur

mais voila pourquoi ca ne passe toujours pas

il avait qua la laissé où elle était

bref c'est moi grande gueule

mais je vais essayer pour vous de croire

qui n'essaye pas de changer
même de penser

est un ignorant
ignorant les ignorés


et pour un
de croire en lui
a nouveau....

one last thing

one last thing

I chose your friend your brother

for belgium

who represents him as

a healthy picture
of a whole people

who had a heart
and that he never abandoned baby in a corner....

yes you need me

yes you need me

it's stupid huh

how can nobody send you my drawings
for just retaining me
just make me smile

you knew how to read
but became blind

then me too

you want more

what you are in reality
for me

do good around you

impress me
and we will see

could you do everything
ask your team

but none of your secretaries have what i gave you

on the phone
during 4 years

and if you touch us the archangels

it is a heart that you will regret

but me at all in your life....

you did for me ??

you did for me ??

stay with your son
guide him
to be with him ??


put me heart
to be on my network ??


to go see just one of your fucking feet in new yok ??


and you remember me ??

you believe me stupid or what ??

yes to you alone you are who we are

but to continue to be

you did good around you
you made me your photos
you also know that you are paris too
and that I put your friend in red

and not you??

to be you must not deny me
forget me
pretend I don't exist

I have the power of the heart
push him to be him

and you knew it's me

and yes because i saw the hero inside him

what you saw in me before

impress me you lazarus !!

impress me you lazarus !!

you're joking??

I woke up your abilities

what did you do in return ??

no more finished phone nafinelaure

I called you


in the end i asked you

in London

you are not stupid
you said sorry
I forgive you but

Un jeu vidéo créé sir henry cavill

C’est vrai
Quand il va le savoir
Je me demande à quel héros ils vont le faire


Il est porteur du bonheur
Je vais économiser pour une console

Mon dieu il va être heureux

Ohh dodo Nadinelaure

Merci pour mon héros....

mercredi 27 mai 2020

Michael et moi

n a la capacité

d’être les 3 archanges

mais parfois

un seul vous suffit a prendre votre coeur

c'est comme ca

Michael sais me faire rire
il a toujours su

ma flamme peut etre


je suis la

alors chante moi la voix qui guerri

bref je suis la première incroyablement étonné

que mon grand père ai raison

et pour information

en faisant les planetes
le theme astrale

j'ai eu un petit moment de choc

car le même jour est née mon grand pere

prend le come tu veux

maisles chiens ne font des chats

la lumier aimera la nuit

qui formeront toujours
un chaos
une lumiere
une planete
la vie......

ohh j'ai la tete qui tourne
au dodo

j'ai mangé

la purée a l'eau
mais j'ai mangé



Écoute moi

Je t'écoute moi
Je N'y crois pas

Même si ça ma assommer

La meilleur des vengeances que tu veux faire pour moi

A ton travail

Défonce tout
Éclate tout
Passe tes nerfs sur les cascades

Pour être le Héros
Mon héros

Ying yong

Sombre et lumière

Lumière amour
Sombre.   Nos rêves

D'être toujours dans tes bras en permanence

En fermant les yeux

La main sur notre coeur

Tu y trouvera

Un double battements

Lumière sombre

Même après ton travail

Cardio lève toi

Le corp que je connaît

Et qui a la particularité
Que les autres sur cette planète n'auront jamais


Même après 24h de sport
De sculptures corporelle

Ta douceur de ta peau aussi douce d'une lumière

Archanges Raphaël

Oui étrange mais mon fils ne peut pas me Reynier non plus

De manière différentes

Mais son coeur bat pour un triathlète nommé
De compétition
Et Raphaël

Pourquoi ??

Demande toi
Qui J'aime ,???

Il te manque
La voix qui guéri

Alors pour moi


Mon vert émeraude

Désolé une fille est née Gabriel
Mais mon autre face que les gens voie
Et non ma vrai face

Le monstre la bête
Le sombre

Je N’Y peu rien
Si les gens n'ouvrent pas leur coeur

Je suis la

Il me faudra du temps

Michael est la
T'inquiète pas
C'est mon ami

Il sais me parler

Mais effondrée il me faudra du temps

C'est atroce de reprendre a quelque que tu as cru aimé

Je ne pensais pas que ça allait
M effondrée

C'est atroces
Mais je lai fait

Car je ne suis pas un monstre

Mais toujours
La femme que tu as su protéger un soir
Sans demander qui je suis......

Ignorance différente

Trop doee
Trop peur
Trop vieille
Trop handicapée
Trop monstre
Trop la trouille
On l’évite
On change de trottoir

On met 3 mètre

On accepte pas la vrai
Beauté intérieur

On détruit le bonheur
Elle est grosses
On la cache

On l’oublie
Elle va nous hanter
Elle va nous maudire

On la consulte

On en a peur

On l’accuse
On la juge

Elle est déjà coupable avant d’être née

On la rejette

On la pousse de son affiche

Elle sais

C’est pas normal

C’est un monstre

Elle ne peu plus aimer

Malgré tout.
Tout ce mal
Tout ses jugements

Existeront toujours

Elle fait comment

On la dénigre dur internet par new Zélande

Elle m’a sauvé oui je la refuse

Je la remplace

Le jour de ses rêves

Malgré tout ça

Vous ne savez pas et vous ne saurez jamais
Qui je suis vraiment

Je n’ai jamais demander à être

Je voulais juste aider
A voir l’amour le sourire
La paix dans les gens

Je suis trop de jugement
Je suis trop grise de cheveux
Trop incrédule rêveuse

Mais je crois toujours
Que l’être humain
Est bon.....

Escusez moi d’avoir changer vos vies
Pour que vous soyez juste heureux.....

Vous ne connaissez pas votre bonheur
Des petites intention de la vie

A vouloir tout détruire par peur de vivre
Du changement

Parce que détruire c’est beaucoup mieux

Brûlez chassez

Mais ce n’est pas la vie

La vrai vie
C’est quand votre animal vous aime
Une fleur naissante
Un soleil sur vous
Un cadeau
Un enfant qui chante

Tout ça vaut le coup
De croire que le monde
Est beau......

to get up persuade me

so you chose witchcraft

to get up
persuade me

that it is own picture

know that i am bruised

but you will never make me believe
that michael is an i don't even dare

a non-brave

you will never make me believe that david is a shit

and you will never make me believe

that my heart
that you will never have

is like you

yes i refuse to be loved

but continuous
I never mind

but you even try to win me back


do what you want

I know he loved me

but if i no longer liked

love him

and if a hair is wavy
of my son my daughter

or him

not even in dreams you will be and i don't need music
of my stuff
of me

because I know that without her

your grave you are nothing

as you put nothing on me

goodbye gordon
even if you have become

you will not become it again

my hero....

you will do anything Gordon

you will do anything Gordon

for the recovered
for audray did not take you off ??
 do you think i know you turn it on me ??
my own dna ??

when did i know?

you beg me to come
I thought you were not well

and in your fucking helicopter
you go down she is there ??
who ?? of your day ??

ah it's stupid

but I knew that my dna considers you a god

I did nothing

until knowing

that she had exactly the same injuries as me ??
I asked you to protect her she is the second part of my holy grail

yes my father i am illuminati

it was painful??

you on me ??
All the time

so i kidnapped you

you knew it

so you hunted me down
to send me
what is he saying like you ??

young and beautiful and stupid ??

he is not like you

but thanks to you i am old
more femininity a trash can

for what lively
so that david lacks nothing

and you
the only one in the world who knew

learn witchcraft

and you think i don't know

you dirty david
you think i liked it

your jealousy

well no

you have the choice between michael my daughter and my heart

but you rage not to know

so anonymously

you send me

that he is unbearable midinette

young and beautiful

me no

yes you succeeded

but know that i will never see him again
neither michael
neither him
neither my daughter

Peace One Day my meeting

Peace One Day my meeting

I do not want to go
ub sage tell me
you will be there
my arm was plastered the umpteenth operation which had not worked
I had no more moving arms

I did not believe it anymore

except him

my sage

I arrive
it's raining

they open the doors to me before everyone else
I have little
it's my first time since my accident
I no longer believe in myself
him yes

I go back I am there
they recognize me
I'm not moving

but has his voice
to his music

his heartless people
without words
not speaking the same language before

dance sing from the same heart
of all the colours

the music
he is there he beckons me
I'm hiding

not my arm all of a sudden
we take me we dance all over the znith
one heart
one soul

my arm walks him

my sage smiles at me

it's him i owe him
he never asked me for anything in return
but just to show me
that the heart
the song
open the hearts of men
of a whole planet

the power of the heart

if i draw today
and ask him to continue to believe
in this planet
to change things
One day
an extra day
by the power of the heart

to my sage for a day
thank you

Vanessa Paradis - Hallelujah - Live At Zénith de Paris - Peace One Day 1...

Les 7 Piliers de la pleine conscience

 photo appartenant a pittoresque

Rattrapez Le Dr Marseillais

Ou sue vous soyez dans le monde
Qui que vous soyez dans le monde

Quand ça marche
La chasse au sorcière redémarre
Les menteurs on peurs

Quand quelqu’un peu importe sauve une vie
Lui a sauvé des vie

La France entre autre est un pays de malheur

En plus ils viennent de créer une équipe de flic
Qui comme à la guerre les collaborateurs
Chez moi ça s’appelle Collabos

Si vous avez la maladie ou pas
En enquêtant chez les voisins

Chez moi cela s’appelle une enquête de bon voisinage

Bref si personne ne fais rien
Si personne ne dis rien

Des gens comme ce docteur
Sera accusé de sorcellerie

Et frankeinstein sera de retour

Brûlons l

Voilà ce que j’ai peur
Un jour les  menteurs arrêteront de brûler
Et sue les  20 ans de News York
Tours jumelles

Ne  soit
Pas mort
Oû tout ses gens
Sans noms
on sauvez dès vies
Que ses sauveurs
Même anonymes
Ne soient pas morts
Pour rien

Non non non je n'y touche pas

Je sais que tes la
Tu vois

Tu pourais dire merci

Mais sache que jai du mal
Qu'on critique et jugent sans savoir
Un cheveu
Un seul cheveux
De 3 personne au monde
Et tu fais parti des 3

Je dis rien
Je me tais
Je ne pense même pas

Mais je bondi
Des qu'un
Qui que ce soit

Ça m'énerve
C'est ton problèmes

Mais j'ai  écrit des millions de fois

J'essaie encore

DEVENEZ. Votre propre producteur
Si il le faut

Et je répète
S'il vous plais

Bref promis
Je tiens mes promesses

Je tiens a dire
Que je crois en toi moi
Alors tu attends quoi pour y croire en toi
Aussi???? Le dégèle ???
NadineLaure Sofia STOP

Ce monde de Contagion

J’ai vraiment du mal
Je suis tactile râleuse
J’ai besoin d’être en face

Pour calmer

Être le film un temp

Car oui j’ai une histoire avec la mairie

Ça date quand je suis arrivée
J’étais jetée à la rue à Cap-Breton
Sans papier français

Et j’ai fait le parcours du combattant
Pour retrouver mes droits

D’être française avec papier

Mon ex mari

M’avait brûlé mes papiers

Et j’ai vécu 8 ans avec une pièce d’identité périmée

Mais voilà jetée à la rue

Vous perdez vos droits

Bref c’est du passé

Mais arriver à la Marie

On m’offre un entretien
Que je savais perdu
Un entretien au service des eaux
Accueil une semaine

Mais il faisait 40 degrés

Après 4 h au soleil à attendre
Je craque

Et quand je craque

Il faut que je me taise
Je maudis

Je suis là plus mauvaise du monde

Et ça. commencé

Vous dessinez
Vous avez un hlm
On vous a pas laissez à la rue

Et vous avez besoin de travailler ???

Et là ils dit ce qu’il fallait pas


Et a croire que même sur les réseaux
Maudite phrase à la con

Que va dire mcgregor???

Et là je pete un câble

C’est marqué sur ma tête mcgregor ???
Non alors vous le sur 7
Le 7 sera

Et là ils pris peur

Je n’ai jamais payé l’eau

Il me prélève sur mon loyer

Et le 7 eme a été élu dans la semaine

Entre morts dispute et j’en passe

Donc ils m’ont vu arrivée

Je n’ai pas ouvert la bouche
Pas eu le temps

Mais juste

On a remis l’eau !!!

Pas à 1m50

Mais 3 m

Et plexis glace en plus

J’étais à mitry mory
De droite
Pour aider

Mais sur internet
Les savent deux choses et me juge d’office

Elle a été la protégée de l’ancien ministre Jean française copé

Et son ex.  C’est mcgregor

Et je tombe dans une ville de gauche

Qui m’avait retiré d’office
Mes droits d’être française

Voyages à répétition à Londres
Et elle loin d’être française


Mais j’ai survécue
Je ne veux pas retourner en politique

Mon protegé  a moi en politique
Est parti quand je suis parti

En Belgique 🇧🇪

Et à télévision à son tour
Chez Macron en plus

Et la

Je tombe dépression sur dépression
En me disant

Vraiment tout ce que tu a aimé
Même en amitié

Devient quelqu’un de bien

Et toi ??

Une poubelle sue tu a demandé pour sauvé une vie

Bref ça aller je râle
J’ai ma mère
Mon chat
Je suis rentrée

Et je vais enfin manger ma baguette
Mon fromage
Et fumer mon petit cigare
De ma a 5 euros

En essayant de me convaincre

Que je suis quelqu’un de bien
Malgré tous.....

mardi 26 mai 2020

my princess

my princess

after the pain
i want to be dad
to call until death
to be a girl

I returned

i can't hear crying and wanting a child

so yes I needed a unit
a trinity


I exchanged my femininity with a fisherman
who is the real dad

in short

I realize
I will be back

but on my condition

she will be me
to the despair of his father

and I gave my wish
to a dad I thought was a father

no one wanted it
apart from his father from the past and me
I fell back into its mirage magic

but she was alive

a bother
the most beautiful woman in the world

and is my daughter
even if it never will be

I found it harder to talk about her
because his father snatched it from me

I just wanted to see her once
before turning his page of savie

i don't have that right
I died that day

but she is alive

pain in the neck
but she is my princess

I only have two

and a love that has my heart

short plus time
really here
do what you want

I have accomplished

I do not want anything
and i won't take anything

i just want
that their life

either what was snatched from me
and forbidden

to live a good life ....

the most beautiful story of my life

the most beautiful story of my life

a family issue
of religion
of I am the child we hide so we don't burn

we tell you your life
you shut up

children in one place

a blessed child arrives
on my knees

brown blue green eyes

you yes you you see
you know this mom
catch this blessed child gone
give me the most beautiful smile
that I have never seen in my life



a kiss

I was an older 7 year old child

a child kisses me

and you see his short life
the forfeiture of his mom without him ??

it's not possible with me
so i wished

the impossible

to take his illness

me it will go

not him

and he was saved

my first rescue of my life
he gave me life
he gave me light
he gave me the most beautiful smile

so yes

I am not immortal
nor a vampure

I abandoned the most beautiful man in the world
for a child
who we tell you
we make you understand

you say to yourself

he is alive you are deaf


so i chose
two men
two out of three photos

to be heroes

1 was my light and always have
he will never be my son

but my first wish is sacred
then it is and will remain my strength
my joy
my life

whatever happens and chooses in his life

he is love
and the most beautiful story of my life

he is my Gabriel from my birth

and always will be
the voice of the most beautiful archangel of my life
even if he is not my son
it will always be in my eyes all my life

au su jet de luke evant ?? clara ,,

avant que je parte pousser ma voix a la mairie du nouveau maire idiot de couper l'eau a des familles??
la verité ??

ok mais en anglais
mais a ma maniere
la plus belle histoire d'amour de ma vie a moi
ohlalalala mon dieuuuu okkk

36 years Prince Harry

36 years Prince Harry

the prince
even if he is dad
even if it represents england and the other countries
even if he is a husband

he has little this year

barely 12 years old
you will have done like this child
crossing london all london
his mom
yes his mom
queen of the elect hearts of the whole world
his mom in a box
on a carriage

this child is still asking
it's mom ?? she is there? she is dead ??

he doesn't believe it
we tell him

he tracers london

but this a child !!!

you will have been able you ??
just like him at his age to lose your mom
sharing it with the whole world ??

me no child no

courage never failed him
he protected
all English without distinction
in his life

but he has the right to love
but he has the right to love whoever he likes

but to be locked up
to be 36 this year

the age of his lost mom

he is dad yes
will he survive

and he goes to his hero

and his hero spits in the soup to be british?

no I understand that

him prince harry was there for you

he finds himself alone in his head
36 years

and he is always a child
courageaux believing that mom was not in the box

crossing all london and what will come back

He needs you

the fear of this growing child is there for you

it's up to you to be there for him
here is

sorry ps
4 dax tower
I'm in the a
It's hot
they cut the water 4 times

welcome to my life

when will i
thank you

and here we tell you you go crazy

and here we tell you
you go crazy
he is like an ungrateful

you take everything you can

so that he respects and is never
a pissing
a spit in the soup
one who this plain
of his fate
no no

all the gods
the books come back to you

you do not know
you act

and then you say to yourself

don't listen to those who are jealous
those who hate
and believe
he flies through the air
become the books
by himself

alone believe in him

and the power of the heart

same ironman has a heart

he has two

I did everything to lie to me

him never
not once
I'm proud of him
it represents the dream hope life
as he gave me one evening of his life

that I refuse to forget....

and ask god

and then
the babysitter come back
find again

and ask god

exchange my life for hers

and no one can find it anymore
wandering skinny in a london trash can

he took me for his angel
I am dead ??
no never
and brought him back

but it's my choice

I don't know how to love
so love why

and then the power of the beating heart come back

at the moment you know nothing
you realize that it's not beating anymore

but it beats again

I told him

he has become

i don't believe in me

no one knows

believed him in me

his voice
he flies through the air

Hello?? you are crazy
you hurt
your heart explodes

and you realize everything you did

to forget who he is

he has become

Hello?? there is someone

and after
not at all

I will not see anymore
that he loved me
that he gave me his confidence
that he made me live a life in his arms

and its true
his skin

I look for

you're crazy
you're old i got it all

I didn't know his first name

I didn't know his first name
nor who he is
I trusted him
one night

just remember
his voice
his body

but I left my heart there

me the high priestess I did everything
I do not believe it
I persuade myself
I arrive there

oubliette exists
I do it
I risk big

for the forgotten

I forget a large part of my life

and i live

without loving
without believing
without love

why love

I am insensitive

I will not arrive there

so we are growing anyway

so we are growing anyway

we are silent
we learn
we read

and then we don't know why
we live
we forget
we forgive

but I don't know who is and will be the heart

until one evening
I may know everything
i know nothing about me

but my heart knew him
in england I never got lost
not once
in France ?? all the time I photograph to find my disphasic path

in England
I know

1 week he looked at me
get my number at the pub
his protective gaze
He's not moving
then one evening
he gets me out of my chair
 my chain French kissing chair

I am French
we love me

and i will never forget

my books
my lines
my dude toy
I repaired who my toys were
he is coming
he reaches out to you
look at you properly
respect you properly
don't devalue yourself
he sees the woman
not here
guardian of their ungrateful soul

and there you don't know why your heart is beating
explodes to its sweet smell
of caress and well-being

and my heart ??

in the early morning I run away
I had found a fisherman still in the skinny trash skin on the bones

The power of the heart

The power of the heart

and why the truth
because this is the year of forgiveness
so i try
if i don't try i'll blame myself
must go back to how I was raised

wiccan guardian
child closet
don't see the light
stay in the dark
you grow
we tell you
stay locked up
they must not see you
hear you

even my own brother who wanted my place
 I was raised by my grandfather in the dark

one day he announces to me

3 roy will crown your life my queen
my little princess

easy one will be a planet
the other will dance
and the 3rd will not be who he is and it's up to you to tell him
 children like me
we make them locked up
pplacard child

lest we be burned
come frankeinstein
considered a monster

even by his brother
to be protected?

deprived of a childhood
deprived of growing up

but to listen and realize

So Gordon

So Gordon

we are farting
we play it
we spit
we lie

little young first ??

but who elected you
who believe in you
The first person???
me !!!
which takes up all the challenges

I have been in your life
and I am proud

but it's our private

we don't swing
we don't spit
we don't lie

so if you no longer be

it's your right

Wolverine gave way

but I won't take it away
for a country
for a child
for another who lost his mom
let it depress in los angeles
if you don't want us to look at you
in messy
in God
in hero

to complain about a country
and we are blind to a child ?? become a man
like another in new yok
or less fighting for survival

give my love in prayer
and continue to be proud

to be silly
to believe that you are baby

and me you will have lost me

is that what you want?

I am nothing
I pretend nothing
I have nothing

just to have loved you

and to be proud when people write to me everywhere

KENOBI come back

but I die every hour and every day

to read
to hear

KENOBI is no longer British but American and what does he take for a youngster?

forgetting to be a father
their god
my love??

so yes i ask you if you still complain about your fate

resign leaves your place to a real everyday hero
that you are no longer in my eyes

I have nothing
just love
my songs
your piece of money that I have in jewelry around my neck

don't ask me to take it off
to take away my strength from having you
to flee the whole world
I am slowly mourning it

i even watch faced ictive death
I tremble
yesterday of one I love

I've watched it

you I could
Jesus I couldn't
I can't

because you are in love
by me
from past to present

I don't claim you
my wrong maybe

they write to me I am your hero in secret

I do not know

what i know to love you

if you don't follow the word
comes out of our lives
and live yours falsely

and it was useless
to believe
that your red truck
could be you
the whole world...


mais vous n'avez pas peur
ohlala je ne tiens pas debout

je suis réputée pour ma franchise
mais vous l'adorez

alors je vais parlez a l'homme
qui refuse de parler français
même anglais mais américain
avec des gants et un masque
en anglais juste pour vous

2-2 it's a scared child

it's a scared child
in my eyes every child is sacred and deserves to dream even as an adult for his own only son
 and become an orphan of the world
his mom is in heaven
what does this kid hold onto for a living ??
has a jesus fallen from the sky
who is English
to a planet savior
of the world
who wants and saves a child from Darth Vader ??

that all children dread
we are afraid
like the one who took his mom ??

whether we like it or not starwars is everyone's life

and i didn't talk about my first love
because he has to do something for england
to become again who he is for a child

grown up
become dad
but what reference to this child ??

far from his family
from England
by mour
he does everything
even to leave his family

but go

in Los Angeles

near his idol


who should even if this child is tall
become a man

one more day in his life

if he no longer wants to be his hero

who says to him in front
and he resigns

but i know him well
my love

has a child
even tall
he will dress in the garment of light

and bring this child
who loves KENOBI
like a messy

I don't invent anything
it's on the internet


and even offered his wife instead of him

but we ignore it
and me
I have little for a whole country
if he loses his


and all the others

because even if this child is a man today
it represents a people
and his mother named queen of hearts of a whole people of all countries
thank you...


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