mercredi 30 mars 2022

parti 1 traduite du lien source


In psychoanalysis, the bully is considered a narcissistic 
pervert. Harassment is his weapon. 
Its objectives are different from one person to another,
 but are all grouped around a single axis which is: 
to affect, even destroy the identity of the individual
 Perhaps you are lucky enough to have never met a narcissistic pervert or stalker. And that's a great thing. Because who has ever been influenced by these people knows that it can be very devastating. But who are these people exactly?
Distinct notions

According to the definitions given by psychotherapists, a pervert is a person who will play on his talent to divert a banal action in order to make the other suffer. These may be sexual behaviors that will no longer be intended to give
 pleasure, but to hurt. He likes to bog things down. A simple discussion to solve a problem will be conducted in such a way as to make the other feel guilty, to put him on the ground.

The pervert can also use derivatives to take his pleasure. He can thus use an object to make love. He can also deflect an object to start and preferably win a fight. He will thus be able to systematically like an object that you hate.

The narcissist loves himself. He places himself at the center of everything to fill the contempt he has for himself. This outrageous love of his person is indeed the sign of a very great depreciation that he tries by all means to conceal.
 He will love himself excessively, put himself in front of others whom he despises and fears at the same time. He will try to draw the admiration of others to live. To simplify, he feeds like a vampire, on the strength of others to exist. 
The perverts will do everything to make their loved ones underestimate themselves and this behavior can lead them to depression. Narcissism leads to various psychological disorders such as borderline personality disorder or paranoia. 
The stalker once his goal is achieved, forgets his victim. The pervert will destroy her completely. 
 Worse still, the narcissistic pervert pushes these behaviors to the limits. We can thus meet a parent who will push his children to hate the other parent. In this case, it is parental alienation. But this destructive behavior can
 also be found within the couple, for example.Several signs make it possible to distinguish a person suffering from one of these pathologies. 
They are generally very friendly people who like to meet other individuals and start discussions with them. But beware, it is not for them 
to learn more about the people they meet. Talking allows them to detect the weaknesses of their victim. They approach them to destroy them,
 and that with a smile! The relationship, whether of love or friendship, must be accompanied by hatred. The progression of this relationship 
is done in three stages: the seduction, the influence and the destruction of the other. The pervert is a relative. The stalker may not come
 into contact with his victim.

The pervert will weave his web around his victim. He favors the people who will put him on a pedestal and with whom he can shine. He can 
present himself as a good Samaritan, an erudite professor, a close companion or even a friend ready for anything. The closer he gets,
 the more he tightens his trap. He manipulates sympathy to feed on it. And the more he sees the other withering away, the happier he is.

He will bring the other to depreciate himself by the look, the gestures or the word. He will make you feel guilty with an irrefutable 
logic. The other will become responsible for everything that misses. A pervert will never answer clearly. He dithers, offers answers 
that can be understood in different ways. Every action on his part aims to destabilize, to cast doubt. To further weaken his victim, he can change his behavior or his mind, just to make him feel lost. He distorts and will interpret things in his own way and cannot stand being contradicted. 
 He also uses paradoxical discourse to better take possession of others. In any case, he will point out that we are of no use to him 
and that he must fend for himself.
Once the victim is well "hooked", he can move on to the next step

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