dimanche 24 novembre 2019

I never asked you

never it's you back

michael internet1 years of waiting and I told him yes
Gordon before he becomes silly
david never
he does not know what to use the internet except instagram
where before he was with me
like hearts

I do not run after you
I do not send anyone
the proof michael gordon
a big cow me
before can be

they have enough give me your intervieuw
its good

I do not want anyone apart
my little ironman
since david

and I emphasize
no more friendship either
because michael the proof that his interest and better
he runs while turning his back on you
and I have to see that in love
I'm unhappy

I got sick for a coffee
but alive
thanks to my little angel
here I hate you with all my heart
except my little heart
I recognize michael miss me
but not to him
so sometimes I'm nostalgic like the
voia that's it
and redpect my blog is my diary for not that I find myself 
crazy to have loved you

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