mercredi 30 septembre 2020

Very important letter to my Napoleon


so much better
a new man
your mom must be happy with the angels

to finally find his son
your brother too
I'm not used
so much the better
I have a little more time
for my drawings
my work
to play my game

to be honest ?,
there is something that broke in me last friday morning
like broken deep inside me
I still had the sequelae of stomach bile again, it hasn't happened since Friday

but i will get over it all is well
how are you
you caught yourself
 in hand
I am the happiest in the world

thank you that I have time to live better without being afraid of losing 
you again for nothing

let it be the clairvoyant guide
I tell you thank you

3 years without respite behind me
i believe in you
I think that
the furure is yours by right
is yours now
I have more time to better draw your face without rushing without going quickly
thank you really...
even if you still forgot to click your table that I adore the most in the world
it does nothing
happy i am
thanks to suis fiere de toi je suis même  honorée si tu savais voilà, 
enfin un peu plus de temps pour moi...

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Art Friday Feeling 1


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