dimanche 26 juin 2022

Des que possible promis la je ne peu pas par respect c’est tout 🖤

 the day is not over

you will make me
according to
he should go out to his dad in his honor
a new partition
i hope with all my heart
what is it exactly
for Bob
and paris we were more or less since still linked
but drux years 2015 gin 2014 the hardest away I'm coming back I'm leaving me at fon in ka works to forget to compensate and I didn't see anything know anything. and then fallout he knows znvoller for the very last time without a word like that
like the but has the difference
it is only by mutual correspondence
I had hope for my baby
he was supposed to visit me for the jewish holiday of the year
so I had confidence until then
the Chinese theater knows how to rush to turn its jacket
fly away
nothing a second
I deleted everything to join me in pain for a moment then I put it back we can join me again again mzis from him from the theater nothing more
me Las vegas but it was in front of me I'm definitely rzntrer that's all

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