lundi 27 juin 2022

Pardon d’avoir un cœur ♥️

 I would never have been

 for a long time I had had my belt tightened
for my 50th birthday see him again
then stupidly better
I thought something had happened to him
in news
I took it all
sold what he could
including concert tickets I so wanted to go to his concert
hoping to see her again
to see again I have seen
the one who screwed up my life
no petsonne ´has succeeded we thought we had arrived
to avoid even his tv
no he was holding her
in his hands
never never
taken as soon as possible
to have seen his face again, I had my fear in my stomach
getting in my taci whistles r what an idiot
to have been able to think
if he needed
it's me
from this situation it will take me days to recover
and I hope to be far from here before winter because the war
prevents electricity
and they ask us to reduce to have electricity
they will cut the modest ones so that they have some
sorry to have a heart
for him
I'm sad
one morning i will wake up happy
i hope fu from the bottom of my heart really

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Heart Disease

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