mercredi 28 mars 2018

my son remember you new zealand portrait

my son remember you new zealand portrait

from what spawned
worst about me
you remember???

in short, she starts again
on the network
because of his painting copied from you
shaking your  luketeer internet

I warn you that's all

you still have not shushed my heart near me

then the yes

if you believe
that your mouth open to new zealand from your first day
cera with Easter

and well no

the white rabbit the white rabbit the white rabbit

his eyes will illuminate the earth and the galaxies
of his greatness of heart of soul
and especially talent
I dream of him on stage

if the lotto and I win
I ride my theater with him aboard it's on!
and I always get what I want

and my "escuse me" where is it ???

then no Easter for you

but for him and protected by my mentor
Yes !!
good night
I too have the long tooth....

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