jeudi 1 octobre 2020

unthinkable is not British


and impossible is not french me my lot too old, too cougard, too much prognosis to kill the witch too much France there is nothing left at all too poor in rags but I stay me in the world too crazy too many people are stoned too much I put the batons in the wheels too much I put you the fear instead of a hope that tomorrow the future is not written yet you too young too muscular too sexy too competant too smart too self-taught too much I succeeded you jealous me too much so what ?? does that make us idiots like them ?? and believe in their bullshit ?? no tomorrow is ours and you alone write your future not them will come the day when the bullshit stops and that day will come believe me But meanwhile don't give them reason me neither yes we live our quarrels in the morning I miss you for lunch and love in the evening on the Internet it's like that While waiting for the day, your smile that melts me with your curls will lay your lips on mine in that I believe and for all the rest you the charm and the distinction emphasizing the aerial beauty of your body of English bohemians I have faith belief in everything you will do even if they don't want to even if sometimes we do not agree on that or other know that I agree anyway and I am sorry to have 
a character of French pig but the pig loves you and will 
love you whatever you are whatever you do and that until the end of time
here is so good night my divine love

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