vendredi 23 octobre 2020

for you my husband babyboy


for you my husband babyboy

that since
I did not waste my life
despite what you think where they can think all and all around my ex for example or even david

I'll just make you swallow your phone
in addition to removing all your bathroom towels
you'll see

i know i'm old school principle of the stone age
but what do you want
your all of you
your touch of you

reassured yes and no
no I have little to go straight to hell from here without having you back in
ohh it's not just
there is
your silence
your perfume your touch your tongue uh english
nio not only english
there have been

this day an exchange yes
I'm telling you
I didn't want to spend this life anymore
you yes
for all the money in the world i never want to go back

but to hug again don't say
she will do the exchange
as much as you stay weary down if you believe that from me
I don't need you to go back

I don't want I don't want anymore

and my life that day has never been wasted
because you have become my life
my world
that's all all about you is enough for me
no i want your smell
tea shirt if its hard here

and come home before uk closes the containment
I love you very much
wherever you are....

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