vendredi 1 septembre 2017

ian your contest why ??

ian ton contest why ??

you want me to do it ?? to do what ??
meet the star ??
you know this is not my thing

and also if I had a single contest to fire
it's for another ian
but YANICK of canada

the yes to visit s series
I will kill to meet MURDOCK

She is so beautiful

but you Ian
you were my friend
from the start
you were not afraid of me when you met me not ??
nothing has changed in me since you

but what is happening to you right now

see me coming
it's so hard
talk to me
if complicate
I do not recognize you at all

here it is not paparazi
as to the phobia david

it's just me
me shit
marie nadine laure
that you loved so much

I do not deserve a word of you
just for me anyway ??

that's enough
  good night

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