samedi 19 décembre 2020

CCA suite in Dax visit apartment


CCA suite in Dax visit apartment
j'avais oublié manque de temps at my request after I don't know how long
in short, following the moment that I was going to put her out because it is easier to accuse the plaintiff of their own faults
Ca the discharges of paying to redo to repair blah blah

in short we entered my room and at my window I have a water curtain
and the girl who accused me and wanted to shave my cat the bitch who does not like animals
in short
She's screaming
and say loud and clear
he jumped on me
I answer him what
the other two scared
the mr in your curtain wanted to slit my throat

I know who is defending me it's a true story

no no i believe you madame chvremont we will do what is necessary and

me yes yes you have dreamed madam there is nothing in my room

she looks at me very scared
well, goodbye
and they didn't take the elevator that proves that they know it's never working
in short
thank you my curtain i love you really
et demandez au CCSA De DAX elles vous répondront la peur de leur vie ce n'est qu'un rideau
mais pas pour ..... 

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