lundi 27 juillet 2020

I am I am without you

I am I am without you

I created a black color I did not reference it I cannot find it at all
I entered. what are we going to do to see each other?
my France is considered in red
my department even more, it will have peak heat
and i have two kids here
my mother and I
me in front of I make express to force my head not to think and to create
 but here I am haunted by the borders in more they are pissed against the spain the
 catalonia my france and I am in ecstasy in front of not I will put it I I assure you
 but I'm really scared because of the borders here it is said wherever you are I think 
of you. not that creation in everything here it is said
you are not afraid you because of the borders of not being able to see each other ?? I'm afraid
 everything else I don't care, thank you for being there but it really bothers me it drives me crazy
 so I created the impossible to go beyond myself to occupy my mind but it's really hard, how are you? 
when I say me it is us I hope you know it beyond the barrier of the language of the borders if it closes here ..
 no I stop no I can not do it yes here I am afraid of not
to lose you
because without you and you know it
I don't live anymore too bad it's saying I tell me to you just to you if you know who you for me..all the time ..

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