jeudi 30 juillet 2020

Oh I'm not for sale! but in a man

what I prefer ??

not a picture !! a picture she stays outside !!

I love in a man
take care of him
who spends 20 years in the bathroom getting ready
to bring me the small intention
the 3 times nothing of life
a rose an orange juice my coffee a word
a song a dance

if I made gods out of them? is my role
but idiots surment not !!
if he mixes the booty of no brains

it's their problem

their private life does not interest me war

I voluntarily left Jude law a peace onde day yes ask him why he's still looking for me

more to me

to know his wife is one of the ex a cavill
it bugs me for life !!

je vais me mettre un moment à me remttre

car je vie revis en FAST voyance repetition comme un film jusqu'a cekà disparesse de ma tète
 ca peut durer des jours des semaines mai là a vie !!! and i love a bordélique man who is a man who do sports who loves the mountains, the motorbike, life in a trailer like a bohemian I had one and I left my chenche past he couldn't have known that we are the love of our life and he has his life I ask him to be happy as he is I make celebrity normal I have been since my childhood What do I have to do with being a null in love ?, at least I have nothing to be ashamed of and do not forget a man that laughs, his mouth is looking for it is unlivable its drinks its made
the man me I like even a man who says escuse me I have fooled and then a man is beautiful when
 he's a man that's why I'm alone, I stay true to myself and to the bohemians even if it doesn't mean anything anymore today I prefer to be alone than with
a false image that repels me that's all

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