mardi 28 janvier 2020

My son brings him to Rome

My son brings him to Rome

I subscribed to it
Why ??
for his job and the cacti
because I remind you I'm crazy about cacti
and the photos he takes
are to die for !!!
but i will tell you too

that we are fucking proud

and that it is up to him to come

then cry to you both

in short we will say well me

my adored baby

I give you an idea
take it or not

instead of wasting your time
to cry to cry

call him
to become
in rome

there you offer him

to be your private coatch

I remind you that

even if they are
if these are little date
you need all your physical power

and I recognize that he is the best in the world for that

but as it is his fault
and if he loves you
he will come

and will be your coatch

he know you
you will make him go crazy in a round ball which he will go crazy and lose his cool

but if he likes love u

he will close his mouth

and if he held on to all your whim of torture
voice and I don't know what

there you will know about yoi

but I don't need that to tell you that he loves you

but we are different my son
we look like no one
we are little devils
you and me
that must be appeased if not nothing
it's like that
 and we love it for that

i love you my son really

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