vendredi 25 octobre 2019

and the bitch love is eternal

and the bitch love is eternal

you have not understood it yet

and you think I'm scared
impress me on my blog
when I work ??
know bitch
I have in memory
your computer
your marie no mcgregor
but you know whoever pays you

oh made the advertisement nana

request for royalties

because it reminds you nothing ??

I do

and you associate with reynols


your life with mcgregor
I do not care if you knew

but you break my balls when I draw
so your rich husband
going to have your bankruptcy and live darling
you will have looked for it
have a good day

ah yes thank you for your rumor that I'm a moron
I confirm to you
where you are right
but in appearance outside

because from the inside I have a strength that you will never possess
it's called love
and love is eternal whore
and not you
ah I forgot

mcgregor's bedtime

can not matter

I never mind

because I remain faithful to me
I am the priest's maid

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this is what I received

  this is what I received how the dancer brainwashes them Substances that promote confusion and impulsiveness to the point of causing...

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