you think scare me with your insults ?? think again
yes, I am French
yes in half last minute I thought
Galois and not French
why will I think french ??
since my france
led by a puppet
giving free rein to everything that is not our country
who forgets the principle of laicity
no i'm not racist
just realistic
I love my country
I like the republic
but I do not confuse me between the French constitution of the man and the cytoyens
and the right
hence my anger for being French
so yes
my dilation I like sport
yes I was insulted to have been the girl to mcgregor
and every day
mcgregor it's called
ewan gordon mcgregor
and is Scottish first
of British nationality
respect that and I will take you back
and my weak point
is my love for a Scottish Cytoyen
yes, Scotland is not the land of Wales
as the Wales is not British but Welsh !!
but know it is not me who is made to win the Wales
whom I love with all my heart
thanking my Welsh grandfather
who I thought of first
who built France whole cities
but remaining
in the soul like me
and I piss you off
and long live my grandfather
and long live Wales !!!!
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